COD 4 GOTY edition PS3 ??

18 Oct 2002

Well yesterday i purchased my first PS3 Slim along with Call Of Duty 4 Game of the Year Edition :) Brand New from a high street store for £249.99 :)

I am a little worried that I have not got the correct version of COD 4.

The games case says COD 4 GOTY Edition, but the game disk itself says nothing about GOTY edition ???

I no you are surposed to the 4 new maps in the GOTY edition and carn't see them in my map list :(

China Town

Can anyone out there with the PS3 version of COD 4 GOTY edition clear things up for me ? have i just got the normal version ??

Thanks Ben
Oh great !

So i looks like i have the right version of game then :( should it still say GOTY edition on the game disk though ??

Should i try returning it ? there system said no copies left but they found one on the shelf then took 15mins trying to find the game disk and manual in the back of the store.

How much are the maps on the play station store ?

Thanks Ben
The disk doesnt currently have GOTY printed on it. You got the right version....taking it back and swapping it will only get you the same i'm afraid.

Thanks for all the info lads :)

Well i guess its only a month or so untill Modern Warefare 2 :D
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