cod alternative... battlefield?

13 Mar 2011
Bada Bing
When i had my ps3 all i would play was COD

now that i have moved to PC gaming, i am finding playing cod on the PC a bit bland

every server has their own rules, you get kicked because they need to "make space", and everyone is running Nuketown 24/7 Fast XP just to keep leveling up - why bother trying to level up if the game is so shallow?

anyway, i hear you guys always going on about battlefield and my only experience with battlefield was the first one 1942

So, i just downloaded Play4Free and i thought it was atrocious - ive uninstalled it

anyway, i liked COD because you could fire it up, shoot some noobs for half an hour and then quit when you were done playing after a few rounds (i usually dont game for more than an hour at a time)

i dont really know what to play now...
Cod is the alternative for BF. :D

Battlefield 3 will blow you mind if you enjoy cod. Larger maps vehicles EXPLOSIONS!/Destruction. It feels a lot more like war, not so much run around shooting everywhere (cod). It requires you to play as a team.

Give CSS ago, one of the best Fps games of all time. You can easily play that for 30 to an hour drop in and out of it whenever you like.

i used to play on the ps3 and i imagine only the Pro's will remain so ill be wiped on the floor every time

Bad Company 2

You could try battlefield bad company 2

is it worth my buying a game when the sequel is so close?

Battlefield 3 will blow you mind if you enjoy cod. Larger maps vehicles EXPLOSIONS!/Destruction. It feels a lot more like war, not so much run around shooting everywhere (cod). It requires you to play as a team.

team games - not really my thing, i like to just jump online, shoot some people and then log off when im bored

vehicles - really dislike in mp games

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Battlefield 3 isnt a sequel to bad company 2. Bc2 is a sort of more cut down game than the bf series, only 32 players, less vehicles, limited command options. Bf3 is a sequel to battlefield 2, which was a modern day set update of 1942 which your familiair with. Bf3 will bring 64 players, helicopters, jets and much larger maps.

i have to admit, i went back to cod4 :p

i used to play on the 360 and i got to prestige 3, then it got RROD so i got a ps3, on the ps3 i got up to prestige 10, now that im on the pc im back from the beginning!

anyway, it was on special offer on steam so i thought - why not? - anyway, on my third match i got a 15 kill streak sniping on crossfire :p :p :p

im wondering why i ever left his game - it is SO good!!!

AND in the consoles you have to pay for the map packs - on the Pc they are already there FREE!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D
team games - not really my thing, i like to just jump online, shoot some people and then log off when im bored

vehicles - really dislike in mp games


With them requirements stay away from battlefield. A lot of people try and solo play it but they generally tend to be the players who whine all round about hackers because they are in fact **** or just do **** because they try to Rambo every map. No teamplay = fail/frustrating matches hence why people try to play on the sane server, with the same people to build up a team. That or join a clan.

To be honest with your play requirements it sounds like COD is just the game for you :p
When i had my ps3 all i would play was COD

now that i have moved to PC gaming, i am finding playing cod on the PC a bit bland

every server has their own rules, you get kicked because they need to "make space", and everyone is running Nuketown 24/7 Fast XP just to keep leveling up - why bother trying to level up if the game is so shallow?

Yep, I actually prefer it on consoles because there is none of that utter BS.
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