The one above normal setting. It looks nice probably the same engine by the looks of things (correct me if I'm wrong) but if they remade cod4 looking and feeling this nice it would be a massive hit with the 7 year+ market, the sound effects are even improved in this one.
Try it on realistic, cant just hold w and left click down
So instead you surgest I spend my time crouching behind a low texture barrel waiting for the jam to fade off my face?
So I've got 5 hours of game play, it's all SP bar about 5 games online and I've still not completed the second mission! I died 63 times on the first mission
Why even play this game. It's the worst COD yet
Why even play this game. It's the worst COD yet
Anyone else getting lag on certain mp maps like Aquarium?
One thing I hope that fix is the game switching to windowed mode once I alt tab out.
That is really annoying isn't it?
I actually don't mind this, when I ALT + Tab out to check other things I can switch back to the game and still see whats happening instantly etc instead of it going black for a second or two to adjust the screen.