COD:BO Multiplayer Matchmaking

didnt realise that was wasn't a server belonging to your guys, thought it was affiliated some how, had a niggling feeling when the debate started to get heated.

coincidently, jumped on for a few games this morning to start chewing into my day off, ended up on softcore server and didn't want to quite mid game so stuck on it. map finished and i had done ok for joining half way through so i decided to stay for one more, turned out to be one of my best rounds to date 50-12 so i stayed for another 6 or 7 and i must say i really enjoyed it.

ive never given softcore a real go, always stuck to HC but man its so easy when they cant kill you lol, think i might give it a real go on a few different servers and see what i make of it overall.

Yeah that bloody server is doing my head in, loads of people mentioning it! Was it on the TFUvsRTFM server you got the score of 50 - 12?

I find if you go from HC to SC you'll own.... however going from SC to HC will get your back side sat haha!
Was on the TFUvsRTFM last night, got the 50-12 on ZeRoY, just a random server i happened across.

Seems like coming from HC to SoftCore you have so much more time in combat, in HC you enter a room with 3 or 4 targets in and unless there all in direct line of vision or completely ignorant to your presence you don't stand much of a chance coming out alive, SC on the other hand its like you have all day to pick them off, you sort of bank on taking a bullet and downing the lot.

I need to start playing some match's with purpose to them, maybe some S&D or the like, getting too used to running around like john rambo on a mission, defiantly enjoying the SC though, 6 games not one under 30 kills for the win and 6 tops spot out of 6.


Shall be staying out the TFUvs RTFM server on principle aswel.
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Was on the TFU server about 30 mins ago, it seems to be laggy compared to the hax server, might need a reboot?
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Is there a way I can find the TFU server without using the server browser? As mine only ever displays about 350 :(

Eventually you can connect to the ip but its not working atm….. just add me to steam and when you see me on later, when your in game if you click on the friends section of the browser you’ll see me in the server, you can then right click and add to fav’s.

STEAM NAME: thegoon84

Was on the TFU server about 30 mins ago, it seems to be laggy compared to the hax server, might need a recoot?

Its 50/50 some people get the laggy issue and others dont, i'l reboot it again 2day..... cant blame the GSP haha.... they prob just overloaded the box we're on no doubt!
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Eventually you can connect to the ip but its not working atm….. just add me to steam and when you see me on later, when your in game if you click on the friends section of the browser you’ll see me in the server, you can then right click and add to fav’s.

STEAM NAME: thegoon84

Any servers not playin ffa or tdm.. try not to play either of these modes as they are skillless frag fests (dont get me started on nuketown what a abortion of a map)... Anyway much prefer S&D and HQ (modes where dying is actually something you dont want to do and not just something that happens every 12 seconds between kills).
Any servers not playin ffa or tdm.. try not to play either of these modes as they are skillless frag fests (dont get me started on nuketown what a abortion of a map)... Anyway much prefer S&D and HQ (modes where dying is actually something you dont want to do and not just something that happens every 12 seconds between kills).

We are getting a new server online 23nov which will run mix modes ;)
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