COD:WaW Patches

16 Apr 2004
I'm just re-installing COD World at War after a lengthy absence but I'm a bit confused about the patch situation.

I can see 1.6 is the latest patch but unless I'm mistaken you have to download every single incremental patch in order, install them and then finally install 1.6. Is that correct?
depends, its not always the case, sometimes you can jump versions. check the 1.6 release notes and it will tell you what version of WAW you have to have in order to use the patch
I know it's not always the case with some games but looking at the release notes for COD:WaW 1.6 it says you need 1.5 installed first. In turn the 1.5 notes say you need 1.4 installed first and so on and so on.

I just wanted someone to confirm I hadn't read it wrong and that you do indeed need to download and install every incremental patch.
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