
A girl I went to primary school with disappeared to Wales after we left for secondary school. Come almost 7 years later I hear a really odd but slightly familar voice in our subscription lecture at the beginning of our first year, and there she was when I turned around!

Edit - just thought of another. I used to go out with a group of ten lads for some ale. We were very good friends. One lad mentioned that he had a younger brother but I thought nothing more of it (why would I lol?). A couple of weeks ago I'm out with friends, and this younger brother is there. We get chatting away and stuff I find out who he is. Spooky lol.
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Not as many as that, but I had a really freaky one once.

Whilst doing the whole 'see the World' thing in my teenage years we came across a bar, Now, I hadn't a good glass of beer in quite a while so in we popped and to my delight they had the Guinness toucan above the bar and a couple of draught taps. So, we sit down at a table on a small veranda with probably the best view any bar I've ever been in has had. Anyway, the couple of lads I was with said what they wanted and I went over to the bar to 'get the beers in' and nearly passed out with shock. The barman was a good friend of mine, Karl, who sat at the desk behind me all through high-school.

Apparently, he too was on a gap year and had just decided to stay for a week and work at this bar. Now, that's not that much of a coincidence I can imagine you thinking, well this bar just happened to be about 50miles outside of Lima, Peru!

The World really is a small place.
Most recently I'd just recieved my top gun outfit (in its many parts) from the post man and as I was laying it all out on my bed the Red Arrows flew over in 2 lots.

Holy thread ressurection batman.

Went to the intro lecture at uni when i started, started speaking to the guy next to me (first person at uni id spoke to other then people i already knew) got chatting, exchanged emails - he noticed the "McDaniel" in the email and said

"McDaniel...from OcUK Forums?"

i was like, err yea!

turns out it was NathanE

First job I had this guy started working there shortly after I had, started chatting to him and it was... Sp00n!
(Syph's missus)
While Syph and I were house hunting we found a house that we really liked. While going round we were chatting to the lady and it turned out he taught her 2 granddaughters, then we carried on talking about families and how its a small world and she mentioned her son rented out his house etc etc, then she mentioned where this house was and it was the house that my Dad is living in! How strange is that!

Also I went away to Gran Canaria and met some lovely people stopping at our complex from the city next to mine and we kept in touch for a while then as usual with time you lose contact.
Well a couple of years later we went to Tenerife for a holiday and who was stopping at the same complex as us, yep the very same people!
In June I walked into a bar in Spain, I walked to the toilets and then herd some voice calling me, it was one of the bar men who I had worked with for a few years at Mcdonalds.

Also I was playing an internet game of c&c a few years back, I did a quick game which plays u with 4 random ppl all over the world, I was chatting to my team m8 for a bit and it turned out he live 3 doors up the road from me.
I saw a thread here where it sounded like the guy posting worked at the same company as me who employ about 9000 people, so I suggested he might work there. It turns out we were sat opposite each other (z0mbi3). I've moved now, because he smells of wee.
Back in the day i was downloading a song (legal of course) from napster. At about 90% completion the guy sharing it sent me a message saying "ha ha, i'm going to cut you off now!". To cut a long story short, I carried on talking to the guy and it turned out he was a mate from school!!!
A few years ago I was in my bathroom and I had the name Yuri Gagarin in my head (for no real reason). I couldn't shake it off so I went downstairs and asked my Dad "Who's Yuri Gagarin?! I know the name but can't remember who it is!". He was playing the teletext quiz game "Bamboozle" and the question was "Who was the first man in space?"...

I seem to get weird stuff like this happening all the time lately - something is in my head and then it appears, or someone else says it a few mins later.

For example, a couple of months back I was on the train listening to my gf's Ipod. This song came on that I'd never heard before, and I thought the lyrics were:

"What's that coming over the hill, is it a Boxster, is it a Boxster?"
(I have subsquently discovered that the word is in fact "Monster", not "Boxster")

Anyway, what do you know but while listening the the song the train passes over a bridge, I'm looking and the window and lo and behold, there is a Porsche Boxster coming down the road from the lip of a hill. Bizarre.
Strange one from the other week, only one springing to mind right now, but i was playing PGR4 on the 360, driving a Lambo Countach, paused the race to get a drink, stood up thinking "I love that car" and at that exact moment, a black Countach drives past the front of the house, i'd never seen one in person before, let alone going past the house.

Strangely enough i saw it a few weeks later in a nearby town when i was taking my girlfriends car to a friend, but that was just nice to see it again! :D
Tonight I was gigging at a pub in Nantwich and a bloke got talking to me because he recognised the Stokie accent.
He said that he moved out of stoke 7 years ago and he used to live in Heron Cross.
I told him that I live in Heron Croass.
He said that he lived in Bailey Road - I said I live in Bailey Road.
He said that he lived at a certain number and my number is the other way round to his.
Apparently we'd lived about 50 yards from each other for at least 15 years but never seen each other.
2 - Did a first set in a pub and a gorgeous 20-ish blond called me over. She kept me talking for 20 mins before I went back on. After the gig she kept me talking again but i took it as a shoulder to lean on. At work on Monday I'm sitting at a table with 7 workmates boasting I could still pull young girls at 46. At that moment she walked in the canteen and of course everybody thought I was lying. On her way back she saw me, stopped and apologised for keeping me talking the other night. My mates were gobsmacked. She had started at our place one hour earlier. Of all the women in Stoke etc .............

Blatantly a stalker. ;)
Not quite as impressive as a lot of other peoples but still interesting..

Had been playing CSS for sometime and made a friend with someone who i always managed to bump into on servers. Anyway we got talking, i asked him where he lived and he replied UK, i thought "fair enough", so i asked whereabouts, and he replied with the same town that i lived in. :eek: I asked him his age and turns out he is also the same age. We stopped talking for a while (just due to lack of contact really) then i joined another server and he was in there again. :p More time passed, then around August this year we spoke again. I asked him what he was up to, and turns out he was starting college this year just like me (quite unusual as we are both 21), i asked him at which college and it turns out that he was going to the same college as me (not one in our town, but a neighbouring town). He had to leave at this point and i haven't spoken to him since. I get the train there which is unusual really as generally as most people get the bus, but i thought i noticed him at our station! I've seen him a few times there now, but never said hello as he doesn't actually know what i look like, but i know what he looks like. One morning we got the train and as i was getting off the train we actually bumped into each other, apologised and carried on. :p I've seen him a fair few times at college since.

Still freaky though! :p
A bit of a coincidence was one in dubai.

Went to a shopping center around 20km from our hotel out in the sticks by taxi.

Returned back to the city, and later that day while in another taxi, stopped at some random lights and look to my left and who do I see.. the taxi driver that took us in the morning, bit of a coincidence imo.
When my parents divorced I went to live with my dad for several years, in that time I didn't seem my mum (probably 2 and a half years).

Well one summer my dad and I went to New York for a holiday, we flew over, got to the hotel and was checking in, but our room wasnt ready, so we went into the foyer, and began talking about ot schedule, where to go, what to see. When we looked up at the next person coming through the door. And yep you guessed it, my mum.

Not seen here in over 2 years, she happened to be on holiday at te same time, in the same city in the same hotel in New York!

Damn if that isn't a coincidence!
Super Necro but I knew I had made one so an update on three more coincidences I've had:

1) On Monday I was on a coach traveling down to Eastbourne when a Spitfire (I meant Red Arrow :)) on the back of a lorry undertook us. I took a picture, uploaded to Facebook saying "Not often you see a Spitfire undertaking you ". I looked at my Timeline and saw exactly the same picture taken by a bloke I have been a Facebook friend for at least 10 years but we had never met. I compared the pictures and saw the same woman on the coach so shouted "Jason" and this bloke two seats in front turned around :) We had a good five days together.

2) Sitting having a meal in Kos Greece with family and we started to discuss one of my best mates. My Sister said "Isn't his new wife a bit older than him?" and I said "We can ask him, he's just walked past" :) We were on separate holidays.

3) Outside the Vatican looking up at where the Pope stands on the balcony. I said "Roy would love this, he'd take some great pictures" and the wife said "He's taking some now over there" :) Again we were on separate holidays.

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