Colin McRae court ruling on his fatal crash

your logic has failed completely Im afraid

1) There has been no suggestion that he wasnt healthy enough to fly

2) Even if he had a fully upto date licence, that wouldnt have stopped the accident from happening

Irrelevant having a medical is not the only reason you have to renew a licence and not have a 'piece of paper' or rating forever.

(Im ignoring your example because its completely over the top, and totally different mowing down bystanders in comparison to people who had agreed to be passangers - and according to reports were enjoying the way they were being flown)

Easy to rectify.

I'm driving your kids to school and crash and kill them all, my licence had run out. You let me take your kids to school because you didn't know it had expired. Would you still be happy that it wasn't so bad because I had previously held a piece of paper?

You or anyone else (here) cant state conclusively that the cause of the crash wouldnt have happened anyway

Rubbish, his licence had run out. If he hadn't have flown I'm pretty much 100% certain the crash couldn't happen. Unless you have some way to dispute that?

The Fact is both his licence and type rating had expired, he should not have been in the air and he might not even had enough hours on type to even maintain his rating. Hence the whole reason you renew it and not just fly whenever you like because you used to hold a rating.

It's irrelevant to know if friends or family had flown with him before it's not their responsibility to know if he's flying within the laws of the ANO.

Edit, I read this on Pprune and it pretty much tells you all you need to know about this not being an isolated incident in regards to following the rules...

The AAIB report also quoted:
1) At the time of the accident, the pilot did not hold a valid flying licence, or a valid AS350B2 type rating. He had been issued with a UK PPL(H), which was valid for five years but which expired on 14 February 2005...

2) Further scrutiny revealed the pilot had allowed his AS350B2 type rating to expire on each occasion before renewing it; yet he continued to fly the helicopter during these periods of invalidity...

3) The pilot held a Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA) Class Two medical certificate (validity period two years), which was valid at the time of the accident. However, there were two separate periods between November 2003 and March 2006, totalling 110 days, during which the pilot did not hold a valid medical certificate, his current one having expired: the pilot continued to fly G-CBHL during these periods....

4) Therefore, the lack of a current type rating was relevant to the continued
safe operation of the helicopter....
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Nobody wants to hear that one of their childhood heroes was a reckless eejit.

Sadly it appears he was :(

Tbh that's what we all loved, back then though it was just him and his poor co drivers :D

This I fear will have opened his family estate up to a further compensation case. I doubt this is the end of it.
The driver of ONE of the cars involved could have done something.

If he had flown like he had been with an instuctor having a lesson then would the accident have happened.


I never mentioned a 2nd driver being involved

Singular vehicular accidents happen all the time, its just the nature of life unfortunately.

You'll have to post a source that says on-one was at fault especially if your ruling out mechanical failure
it states he did not have a licence for the helicopter, so its unfortunately the same as driving a car without a licence, colin was and still is a hero in my eyes, he just made a bad mistake which tragically cost him his own life and others lives, i dont agree with the flying without a licence part, but everyone makes mistakes.
The licence issues for CMcR didn't make him unsafe, they just confirm he hadn't been confirmed safe within regulated timescales.

At the end of the day he was showing off and ran out of talent, or if mechanical failure is a factor he was at a height that is regarded as a danger zone for helicopter autorotation, so still human error.
The greatest tragedy was the death of the 2 young children :(

Killing yourself while larking about is one thing, but to take out innocent passengers is another. Even if they'd lived, I'm sure he wouldn't have forgiven himself anyway.
In the end he shouldn't have been nap'ng the earth in thoses conditions with that little experiance or lack of navigationional aids ut i think the real loss is the two children and that what i think the message the courts are trying to convey, it only takes one lapse in judgement and diaster can and will happen
your logic has failed completely Im afraid

1) There has been no suggestion that he wasnt healthy enough to fly

2) Even if he had a fully upto date licence, that wouldnt have stopped the accident from happening

(Im ignoring your example because its completely over the top, and totally different mowing down bystanders in comparison to people who had agreed to be passangers - and according to reports were enjoying the way they were being flown)

3) These were friends of the family - it would be interesting to know if any / all had flown with him before (nothing to suggest either way)

yur a nobody on a forum - not a highly trained individual with lightning reactions (as anyone at the top of WRC would have to have)

Maybe before attacking me you should read ALL of my posts rather than just one, Ive clearly stated it was a TRAGIC accident, but either the sherriff or the media want to be very selective in the reporting of it.

You or anyone else (here) cant state conclusively that the cause of the crash wouldnt have happened anyway

and your a nobody on this forum also
also he wasnt at the top of WRC he wasnt even at the bottom at the time as he had retired
yes it was a tragic accident BUT he could have not had the tragic accident if he had not taken the chopper up for a spin when he wasnt licenced too at the time, so yes we can say that the crash wouldnt have happened as he wouldnt have been up in the air to crash
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