Colleagues bad behaviour

Either the lazy scrote is a member on here, and OP is passive aggressively trying to fix the problem, or this is another bot.

Either way, utter ********.
Some really terrible responses in this thread - unfunny quips looking to impress other users. If you have nothing productive to say to help, be quiet.

I feel for you, OP. I know how it can be when colleagues don't perform in the same way as you do. By the sounds of it, your managers don't help much and are also a cause of your stress.

I have been in your situation. If you have no proof of the theft, there's not much you can do, however, if you saw it, I would report it.

If your line manager or service manager is not being helpful, go higher. You must report the underperformance to your SM - but if that doesn't change anything, go to the General Manager or Deputy. This is what I have done in the past. You need to go higher up and put your concerns in writing. Be honest about what is happening and how you feel. Don't be afraid to do so.

Unfortunately, in my experience, not much will change in the long-term until you get different managers or leave the department. Managers can cover for other colleagues who are not performing. The NHS has cliques and this doesn't help. Good luck.
It's extremely hard to sack someone who works in the public sector.

I've seen 20+ witness statements and a staff member has walked away.
We had our own staff member problem and he was so bad I walked out of the department twice and had a week off each time with stress (pretty sure I had a thread on here about it).
My Manager knew but being a Lawyer whose expertise is to do with Staff problems he had to record everything in fine detail so when the time came this bloke hadn't go ta leg to stand on. It took around 9 months before knowing the problem to him actually walking.
That is one hell of a first post, might as well have gone in dry!

But i feel your pain, goto your manager, if you are part of a union speak with them also, keep logs records of incidents and happenings!
You have two choices, either:
Get a different job
Change the behaviour of other people

I'd look for a different job. Go for management next time, and use your experiences here to do a better job than yours do for you.

From what you've said, you have no chance of changing things or people. It's a management failure, not yours.

Nearly every job change I have made has been due to poor management. I have not regretted any of those moves.

Be brave, and put this behind you.
Some really terrible responses in this thread - unfunny quips looking to impress other users. If you have nothing productive to say to help, be quiet.

Given the recent influx of these 1st and only post wonder stories of woe, it's unsurprising people aren't exactly welcoming.

I live to be proven wrong, but I'm pretty sure the op will never be seen again regardless of the responses.
I've seen 20+ witness statements and a staff member has walked away.
We had our own staff member problem and he was so bad I walked out of the department twice and had a week off each time with stress (pretty sure I had a thread on here about it).
My Manager knew but being a Lawyer whose expertise is to do with Staff problems he had to record everything in fine detail so when the time came this bloke hadn't go ta leg to stand on. It took around 9 months before knowing the problem to him actually walking.

It's terrible. I joke with people all the time. In the public sector you could walk into the office with an AK-47 unload 1000 rounds and so long as you didn't hit anyone they would say oh John's just having a bad day and say no more.

I could give you some real stories and a couple are horrific one involving a guy who used to drink on the job wasn't right in the head with clear mental health issues. He somehow managed to convince a fat munter to leave her fiance who she had just bought a house with joint mortgage for him when he absolutely stank and looked terrible and within a few months he had beaten her up and pulled a knife on her.

He then sent threatening messages to another female colleague who's quite high up through Facebook and he was essentially put on special leave for over a year so got paid a full wage whilst the court case concluded. As soon as he was found guilty he was sacked.

The other I can't go into details with because he's been promoted several times since and is really high up and it involves sexual harassment of a ridiculous nature to several and by several I mean nobody knows the true extent I know of at least 4 victims but he's worked there like 30+ years and I only knew him for 2 years as he got a side move after his latest victim didn't want to make a big deal of it.

There was another guy who used to come in and literally just do zero work. He would just park his phone and talk to colleagues all day. He would answer a call and as soon as he answered put them on hold for 15 mins whilst he chatted away to people around him. He would then ask them for a reference number then again back on hold for 15-30 mins. By the time he actually dealt with a 5 minute call 2 hours would have passed and he would just tell his manager it was a really difficult call.

Because he kept on doing it they had eventually like 20 cases against him every time they had another one they would go back to the start of the process again. It eventually got to the point where it was getting to the end of the road and he left right before they sacked him. He then got another job with a different public sector department within a month and then rejoined the same department he left a couple of years later on promotion. This guy was just the kid who was class clown and thought it was cool to do stuff like this. One day they had a team outing at a go karting place. He turned up with a bin bag full of banana skins like it was Mario kart. He was throwing them behind them on the track. There was a tunnel where it was dark he waited for people facing the wrong way and drove straight at them. He was eventually ejected and banned after several warnings from the go kart place.

Good times.
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