
30 Apr 2009
I start college on the 17th of September as a MATURE STUDENT (OHNOES)

As much as I am stoked on going back and trying my hardest at getting my A Levels this time around, I am freaking scared at all the 16 year olds that will be in my classes. In RL I am quite shy and scared of most kids nowadays (cept the ones I know)

So if someone gives me a hard time what can I do? Obviously not hit them, but should I just ignore them? I know concentrating on my studies is most important but I am easily upset LOL

Any suggestions less of a cattle prod would be helpful x3

BTW I only look 16-18 so I think this might help?
OKies I'm gonna try that x3 I hope the teacher doesn't annouce it or anything though. First time around in college we had a 19 year old in our class and they just merged in with us. Though I'm 21 so a bigger difference O_O
Firsetly, well done for pursuing your education.

The most difficult part might be engaging with them at their own level - buy an iphone, text at least once every five minutes (to yourself if necessary), fully digest the wikipedia entry for 'gangsta rap', pull the waist of your jeans down to your ankles and develop a mild limp.

LMFAO good advice but I think I would look weird talking wigga. Plus I don't wear jeans that much :p Made me laugh though :D
You'll be grand, first round in college I was the youngest in the class having finished school at 17, all the others were 19+. Second time I was 20 with all the others only 17 or 18. Both times there were a handful of mature students in the class as well.

Just be who you are and if peopole don't accept you for this then it's their loss.

Hahaha aww yeah thats true they arn't worth my time if they can't accept me. I hope there will be other mature students its a large college
What are you planning to study?

Archaeology, Classical Civilisation and Biology A Levels (all 2 year courses)
You could always befriend them by being 'big sister'. When I was in college there was a guy who was older than all of us, and we all looked up to him.

No intellectually, just literally, as he was quite tall. But in many ways he was our benchmark and our sounding board about life.

You'll probably find that many of these young girls are pregnant and leave their prams in the corridor before entering class. You may wish to counsel them on how to keep their hands on their ha'penny in future. Bound to make you popular.

LMFAO their pimps would beat me up
These are all epic answers :p

OH GOD SKINNY JEANS I have two pairs already haha but I am a girl remember

Emos...I feel violence towards them. I fear this may not work. Lucky home isnt to far away

I say epic a lot anyways. I'm just sad like that

If I was any paler I'd be see through :p

I'll just stay in the library
Who doesn't, However I find if you enact violence upon them you're just giving them what they want, so I instead prefer baiting them!

I fear if I say anything intelligent to them it will go over their heads and my witty remark will be lost.

May just stick to 'your mam'
Those are the best to hit 'em with as you can see them die a little more inside as they realise they're ignorance is greater than they thought!

Thats true and the look on their face while they try and process it is amusing. By that time I might of walked off
Short t-shirts O_O Im fat that will go down well >_>


This is what I look like on a good day. Hopefully I can trick them into thinking I am one of them
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