Columbine Shootings!

15 Sep 2005

Just recently I saw a piece on the news about the Dunblane massacre which was very harrowing and upsetting. I knew all about what happened at Dunblane and has just started senior school at the time.

I decided to have a look on Wikipedia for some more information and stumbled upon the Columbine massacre. Now this happened in 1999 - I must have been in Year 9/10 yet I still only remember the basic facts. That kids from the school took guns in and killed students. However, upon reading the detailed description of the events - I just started crying. I would suggest ANYONE who knows little about the actual events read the article over at Wikipedia:

What happened in the library absolutely stunned and disgusted me! They also have links to sites with the 911 calls made from inside the school and also a very graphic image of the bodies of the shooters in the library.

I know some of your probably already know about this - but I thought I did! I didn't. And it should be known, for the victim's sake.
If you want to find atrocities there are far worse ones to be found.

Look into events in Cambodia, most of Africa, Vietnam, China, the list is huge.
Bar said:
If you want to find atrocities there are far worse ones to be found.

Look into events in Cambodia, most of Africa, Vietnam, China, the list is huge.

So, because there are worse atrocities - this one should be forgotten? All I am saying is that, considering the fact I was 14/15 at the time, I did not know jack all about this dispicable event.
Zinath said:
And your point is?
It's not really worth getting upset about this? There's *much* worse going on in the world.

Mind you I'm a battlehardened old fart who has heard and read some nasty stories and accounts of real life events.
My point is selfish in some respects in that I did not really want to see lots of posts overflowing with condemnation and a sea of RIP posts for something which is a drop in the ocean on the atrocities front.

If this was a huge revelation to you at the age of 14/15 watch more news and gain a greater understanding of whats going on in the world.

/old fart.
Zinath said:
Ok, I badly worded that, what I meant was, there are much worse things going on daily. 15 kids getting shot in middle america doesn't really make the nasty scale.
Oblivious said:
Shooting Dogs is the only film thats ever made me cry, and like everyone else leave the Cinema in silence.

Never heard of that one.
If I was less of a man I might have almost shed a tear at the green mil though.
VIRII said:
Never heard of that one.
If I was less of a man I might have almost shed a tear at the green mil though.

Really worth watching. I don't say that about many films.

Try and get hold of a copy.
Bar said:
If this was a huge revelation to you at the age of 14/15 watch more news and gain a greater understanding of whats going on in the world.

You want me to go back in time to when I was 14/15 and watch more news? Erm.....ok! I didn't watch the news at 15. I watch the news NOW - but that is completely besides the point since the Columbine shootings happened 6 YEARS AGO!!!

Deary me, I didn't expect the thread to go THIS way! :rolleyes:
So you haven't watched Bowling for Columbine then. If not give it a look.
They have camera footage of the Trench coat mob walking around shooting etc and some interesting chat about the event.
Watch it and make your own mind up about what is hype BS or fact.
Its put in perspective by the Rwandan genocide, when 10,000 people were killed every single day for over three months......

Columbine, while horrific, barely scratches the surface of what evils mankind is capable of....
Visage said:
Its put in perspective by the Rwandan genocide, when 10,000 people were killed every single day for over three months......

Columbine, while horrific, barely scratches the surface of what evils mankind is capable of....
Josef Stalin, 20,000,000 people died in the gulags,
Adolf Hitler, 6,000,000 in the concentration camps.
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