Comfortable Sports Tourer

5 Nov 2010
Hi all.
I currently have a '10 GSX650F, which i really like as it's a great middleweight all-rounder bike. However, it's uncomfortable for longer trips (75-100 miles becomes very uncomfortable).
It starts to hurt/ache the top and inside of my thighs/ lower inside of my bum. I have wondered why and since then i think I've pinned it down to my legs being too long, my knees are high up and creates an awkward riding position for longer journeys.

That said, i'm not sure what i can do to my bike to rectify this other than maybe tinkering with the pegs, gear shifter and brake? Which i don't think is wise.

So I'm open to suggestions for a new bike that's better for longer distances and preferably with a bit more grunt to cater for hills and some (not loads) of luggage. Budget would be around £3500-£4000 at a push.

Any ideas?
Interesting input, cheers guys.

F800ST --> I'm listening.. Looks good, nice torque, reliable, belt driven? (i know nothing of belts)

VFR --> Always liked VFRs would class this as a curve-ball/wildcard. 750s are generally ropey, they're old and 800s are expensive. Are they expensive the maintain? Would be more sporty though, will keep my eyes open.

FJR1300 --> Looks rather big, but powerful. Will keep an eye on this, certainly looks capable, but rather large and ugly. Looks like would have more fun on the F800ST.

FJR1200 --> Too old now, i don't want to run into much of any issues and would be worried on long distances. Would be hard to find one i could trust.

Bandit 1200 --> Will be the same as my bike apart from suspension and engine size. Will most likely be just an uncomfortable for me.
Mechanical fiddling ? :confused: U Wot M8 ???

:eek: How very dare you :p

I'm 6ft 5 & can ride it all day, Had it 13 months & it passed it's MOT a few weeks back with No advisorys. MOT bloke said the bike is Perfect.
Voted Best All rounder 10 years in a Row.
Still shows 150+ :D

Would love to find one in decent condition and mileage, but that's a hard task.

Sprint ST 1050. 120Bhp, should get an 05 or 06 for 4k.

Why not take a look at something like a Triumph Tiger 1050? Yes, it's an adventure-crossover type bike but they really do handle. I embarrassed quite a lot of much faster sports metal when I had mine. Very comfortable too and the Triumph luggage gives it plenty of load space.

The thing I found good with the Tiger - which actually made me a much faster rider - was that I could see everything. Being sat up high I was able to see over hedges, cars etc and set speeds accordingly.

Triumph ST and Tiger are both good shouts maybe. Can be expensive to buy and run, they hold their value very well. The Tiger is a bit sit-up and adventure. My next door neighbour has one for sale, but the engine is shot.

As for the ST..
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Just rang a dealer about a part ex my bike for a Sprint ST... they have several in stock but sold the one i was interested in :( They have others though.

Any rough guesses what i should get for my bike?

'10 GSX650F
2100 miles
Pretty damn spotless
R&G tail tidy, Puig screen and hugger, Mivv exhaust. I have all originals.
the mileage and service history will add value

no idea on price but id be looking at similar for sale and aim at around or above that,depends on the miles/ect

I've yet to need to, but is it the case that taking the exhaust off and replacing stock in order to sell the Mivv will be more efficient? Though if it's a pretty cheap mivv then effort might be > reward.

Also yaay ST :).

They came back with £3K i told them no. I could sell for up to £3500 stock i think and sell the accessories separately.

Update though, my biker neighbour has a Blackbird, i'm going to try it out next week, will try not to kill myself :p
Nice bike the Blackbird, damn shame the bloody footpegs too close to the seat for a long legged lanky sod like me, gave me cramp, & I only had it for an hour as me & a mate swapped bikes on a ride out.


That's my problem currently. What's your inside leg size for trousers (oh my!) if you don't mind me asking.
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