Coming back to MM gaming!

3 Mar 2003
I am finally getting back on broadband. What are the new MMORPGS like? Dungeons and dragons, RF and guild wars? Is WOW any more interesting (compared to 10 months ago)?

Anything I have missed out on?
speeduk said:
I am finally getting back on broadband. What are the new MMORPGS like? Dungeons and dragons, RF and guild wars? Is WOW any more interesting (compared to 10 months ago)?

Anything I have missed out on?

from what i've heard D&D, is not meant to be good, RF is the most dryist game i've ever played, guild wars is supposed to be good
WoW is good for 6 months to a year, but after that you're likely to get bored. There's not THAT much you can do at level 60 - either redo the same dungeons over and over again, or fight other players.

Just started playing EvE and it absolutely rocks. Slightly boring to start off with but get in a Corp and you're laughin. Absolutely tons of stuff to do so you wont get bored.
RF is a waste of time, seriously. However good it looks or however much you want to play it or however good it is when you do play the fact remains that the all important PVP is pants.
Oh no not EVE.

I spent 10 hours one day mining!! I don't want to do that ever ever ever again! Addictive - yeah. Something I want to do for the next few months - no!

I played WOW for 7 months or so. Got bored, quit. Maybe there isn't anything out there for me at the moment then... Actually I could get back into WOW and actually enjoy it if I met the right people.

Walks off mumbling something about noob gankers and epic armor...
Lol, I take it you were on a PvP server in WoW then? Try a PvE one - more time questing, less time being ganked on by noobs with small willies :p

I do quite like EvE though, I just this minute got ganked good n proper as I used a gate by some fleet of ships. They distroyed my new frigate the idiots :o

Oh, and don't even think of RF Online - It sucks so bad it's untrue. I'm gonna pickup City Of Heroes/Villains demo with PC Gamer and give that a shot.
Played 2 months on PVP - got bored of the ganking. Spent 5 months on a pve server but got bored wanting to PVP lol!

Then the honor system came out. Was amazing for the first few weeks - then battlegrounds came out and my PVP time was turned into a CTF snore fest.
uk_viper said:
Well there is the upcoming star trek mmog, hopefully that wont be a fall

I can see it now.

Sir we have a noob ensign.

Oi noob dont blow us up or anything! We need to do this mission for our ranks!

Noob sets warp 10 into a black hole.


Sounds like fun.
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