Command Line to Disable a User Account

17 Oct 2002
Cold Scotland :(
Been googling this all afternoon with no luck, but does anyone know if its possible to use a command to disable a user account on a Windows pc? (Not a Domain)

Windows 2000 Server.

Was hoping to be able to do it remotely, rather than locally, not sure if that's possible yet.

I might be onto something with the "NET" command set.
Cheers bledd, most useful. Do you know if that can be run remotely? e.g Can I run that at my workstation and target a server, for example?

i'm not sure, you'd probably have to use psexec or something from pstools (google that!)

i've only used it in a domain situation before
Many thanks guys, prevented me from banging my head against the wall again tomorrow at work! :)

I think I can probably use either AT or SOON with the \\compname then just cmd /c "net user etc etc"

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