'communicae' ?

21 Apr 2004
Correct spelling ? - I want to use it in a sentance "I'll direct all my communicae through you"

reads 'comm-u-ni-kay' ?
This is what the Oxford says:

communiqué |kəˌmyoōnəˈkā; kəˈmyoōnəˌkā| (also communique)
an official announcement or statement, esp. one made to the media.
ORIGIN mid 19th cent.: from French, past participle of communiquer ‘communicate.’

I don't think that really fits in with what the OP is trying to say?
Correct spelling ? - I want to use it in a sentance "I'll direct all my communicae through you"

reads 'comm-u-ni-kay' ?

I don't think communique is quite the right word here, "I'll direct all my communications through you" would be a little better. Communique is one of those words that reminds me of formal/military statements and that might not be what you want.
Don't try to write long flowery words in emails if there are other words that woudl do the job just as well. It makes people look like idiots.

EDIT: Wish I'd written this faster to get it in before the above post really :D
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