Commuter towns to London

Hampshire, Berkshire and Surrey are lovely places with truly lovely towns and villages and some utter *****.

Places I would never live:

I would say it truly does depend on the area within that area. As I say, Basingstoke has some nice newer estates on now on the outskirts. Farnborough and Aldershot have nice and bad parts. Reading does have some nicer parts further out from centre. Alton I thought was generally more countrified and quieter. The town centres of all these places have some very run down parts yes.

Would live:
Old Basing

I agree the above are nicer but equally I could attack Guildford. I like Guildford, know it well, but it's not the all singing all dancing place of dreams throughout its entirety! Park Barn for example.
Main problem I found with Woking was the traffic... it sort of feels like it was once a collection of small villages with little lanes, which then grew into becoming a town, with the same little lanes unchanged...
This is basically its history. Mayford, Old Woking, Horsell etc. Then the Victorians started shipping out their dead and built the train line to do so and it started to become as you describe. The former separate villages are now the more desirable locations and all the infill like Goldsworth Park and Sheerwater far less so . But traffic doesn't discriminate and gets stuck all the same.
Hampshire, Berkshire and Surrey are lovely places with truly lovely towns and villages and some utter *****.

Places I would never live:

Would live:
Old Basing
I know Hook well (look at my location :p ) but it is a sleepy village. After 5pm everything closes and the train is on the slow Waterloo line, so it is a minimum of an hour to get just into Waterloo. It has a great community and great schools though, thats why we moved here.

Also, not sure how I feel about OP moving here - I might bump into him at Tesco :eek:
I would say it truly does depend on the area within that area. As I say, Basingstoke has some nice newer estates on now on the outskirts. Farnborough and Aldershot have nice and bad parts. Reading does have some nicer parts further out from centre. Alton I thought was generally more countrified and quieter. The town centres of all these places have some very run down parts yes.

I agree the above are nicer but equally I could attack Guildford. I like Guildford, know it well, but it's not the all singing all dancing place of dreams throughout its entirety! Park Barn for example.
I live in Park Barn, you've mentioned it twice now.

20 years ago it was rough, not its pretty much BTL for the research park or hospital and loads of student accommodation.

Bellfields on the other hand, wild west.
Birmingham is terrible. For your own sake stay well clear.

I live in Park Barn, you've mentioned it twice now.

20 years ago it was rough, not its pretty much BTL for the research park or hospital and loads of student accommodation.

Bellfields on the other hand, wild west.
It's just an example to counter act what dialup was saying. Didn't mean to cause offense. I have family who lived there in the 90s. It's a bit like the Old dean estate in Camberley. Terrible rep, but have a mate whos lived there for life and says it's hassle free life and all good. Throw a couple of old flats and low life's in an area and it brings the whole town in to disregard quite unfairly.
I live in Farnborough. It's basically just a massive housing estate. There are pockets of nicer places, but the majority is naff. Town is crap and local amenities are non existent.

Used to live in Farnborough.

Only place I’ve lived where I’ve seen someone pull a knife on someone. It was in Sainsbury’s of all places.

There is a wimpy though :cool:
Orpington ? not so developed yet so still have lot of potentials
Sevenoaks a bit further out and still good train into the City

Lots of good schools around and in between.
Find good grammar schools around the outskirts and see if any of them take local kids and go from there tbh.

Commute/locality to london will mean nothing when you don’t have good schools around you
Biggest negative about South Western Failway is the trains are always late or cancelled and they stop so bloody early. If you can live in London somehow or on the end of one of the Tubes (Met?) you'll thank me later.
They are better than Worst Late Western in my (extensive) experience.
The trains run quite late to some places, e.g. last train to Southampton is after 1am. I've got screwed by the tube before with some lines shutting down before midnight.
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