Company not allowing holidays and not paying for them

26 May 2006
A friend of mine works for a pub chain, staff are told that they have to take their years holiday allocation before April. They have 10 days holiday left to take and have asked for the time off before April.

This has been rejected by management as to many staff already have holidays during the month of march. Management have also said that they can not pay out the holiday money instead. So my friend will lost 2 weeks worth of holiday and also not receive the pay for those holiday days instead.

How is that allowed?
NO, as long as he requests it before the cut off point (April) they gave to honour it. He is legally entitled to 4 weeks paid holiday per year.

That is what I figured, I am fairly sure the notice is something like 2 weeks and this falls before April. I cannot see how management can both, deny holidays or pay them for the holiday time working.
They are completely within their rights to refuse the holiday, and they are by no means obliged to pay the £ for it instead. It isn't clear whether they'd have to let you take it over into the next year or not. I know it's reasonably common policy that you can't take holidays at x time and you can't carry holiday over, whether that's legal or not I don't know. I think the problem here may be that your friend has had the whole year to take the holiday, and so the company aren't stopping them taking any holiday at all, that is their own fault.

Well if the notice is 2 weeks, and they have refused the holiday time. Then infact yes, the company is denying them their holiday...
So is it impossible to lose holidays then?

For example I do not request any holiday time off for a whole year. Is it then the responsibility of the company I work for to make sure I have had the 4 weeks off?
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