Alright fellas
I got my GCSE English re-take tomorrow so I've been doing some revision on past test papers (Damn AQA for not publishing paper 1). I feel I've got a good grasp of the poetry and media texts but one aspect of the exam is troubling me a bit.
How shall I properly approach comparing texts? I know comparing something is simply stating similarities and differences but perhaps someone with experience (An AS English student ideally) with comparing media texts could elaborate?
I did actually talk to my English teacher today but completely forgot to ask him about this specifically so I do apologise, I know I should be asking him this. I know this is a really boring thread but I'd so appreciate some opinions on this.
I got my GCSE English re-take tomorrow so I've been doing some revision on past test papers (Damn AQA for not publishing paper 1). I feel I've got a good grasp of the poetry and media texts but one aspect of the exam is troubling me a bit.
How shall I properly approach comparing texts? I know comparing something is simply stating similarities and differences but perhaps someone with experience (An AS English student ideally) with comparing media texts could elaborate?
I did actually talk to my English teacher today but completely forgot to ask him about this specifically so I do apologise, I know I should be asking him this. I know this is a really boring thread but I'd so appreciate some opinions on this.