COMPETITION - Design a System Landing Page for the new Antec Custom Cases - WINNER ANNOUNCED!

Yet another one of those competitions that if your no good with graphic design your stuffed!

Competitions should be open to all not just the talented. :/

Try the overclocking competition?
Or the case reviewing competition?
Or the post a comment on Facebook competition?
Was the winner of the last one implemented? The Alien/Predator one, I got beaten and can't remember what the winner was like..

Is it in .png or .html/.php format?

Any usable format is fine for us :)

I'm guessing if its in html (like the 1st quote above) then it doesn't really matter if the graphics are designed in adobe creative suite? As long as it looks good and has all the info on it??
So do you want us to actually make the page using Dreamweaver (or something similar) or just create a design with Photoshop?

Also, where do we post them?
are there any higher res images of the cases available?

does the prize have to be spent within a set timeframe?

It's late so I admit my mind isn't at its sharpest, but IIRC the license agreement for trial software says that any work made with it can not be sold and should be deleted at the end of the trial.

Not that I imagine most people's Adobe software here is correctly licensed anyways ;), but the shop shouldn't really be encouraging it.

I hope you didn't pay someone to do this.
It's late so I admit my mind isn't at its sharpest, but IIRC the license agreement for trial software says that any work made with it can not be sold and should be deleted at the end of the trial.

Not that I imagine most people's Adobe software here is correctly licensed anyways ;), but the shop shouldn't really be encouraging it.

Stricltly speaking though its not being sold, it's being given away in return for a prize :p
Hi Guys,

I am really looking forward to seeing the results of this competition, it is something that everyone can get involved with, although it comes down to your own confidence in your ability to succeed, give it a go or you will never know!

Three Hundred -

Nine Hundred Two -

Twelve Hundred -

How do these images work for you?

Good Luck everyone :)
My craptastic effort, had a mental block all of yesterday couldnt come up with anything decent, will probably get decimated by some proper graphic designers but meh. Went for blue because cold is blue or something.

no comments on design...
but you realise its ice box, freeze box, and frosty box.
not icy box ;)
I still don't know what we've got to do..
1. Design OcUK a landing page using Adobe/Macromedia software suites.
2. The Design will still need to have all layers easily accessible so minor edits can be easier made to the design afterwards.
3. The page needs to be no wider than 840 pixels but can be as tall as one wishes.
4. The page will need to link to our new range of Antec custom cases. CLICK HERE
5. The Theme needs to be based on the products and focusing on the customisable fan choices.
7. The graphic must include the Antec logo and our own OcUK logo.
8. Remember the landing page needs to have the specification of the cases and the Sell price clearly visible with a BUY BUTTON, again layed so it can easily be altered at a later date.
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