**COMPETITION** Do you want to be a goat?

I used to know a guy who lived in central London who kept a goat in his garden! (no lie) Not sure what it's name was... But we called him Goatman!

He worked at pizza hut and always used to give us his staff discount card for 20/30% off.

Similar story, a friend and I ordered a '4 cheese' pizza with 2 extra toppings of cheese. Another guy with us was lactose intolerant and ordered a 'meat feast without any cheese'. The waitress got so confused (we didn't help) that he ended up with the 2 portions of extra cheese on his meat feast without any cheese... Twice. Another member of staff couldn't understand things either and after a 3rd member of staff couldn't get it right (this is 6 wasted pizzas later) the manager came over (we complained) and couldn't see what the problem was!

He went back to the first order and got things right and gave us 75% off our meals.

Funnily enough we've never been back to that branch...

Anyway, goats, yeah, one of the few UK domesticated animals I've not had a close encounter with despite being a farmer for 4 years. Llamas on the other hand, are a different story! ;)
Waiting on:


To send me an email in Trust so I can pass you your Goat Simulator keys. :)

This has to be a joke, steam release date is tomorrow!?!? (The 1st!?!?) - however looking at the videos I hope someone does actually make it into a full blown game!!! :)
The winners are...


Congratulations to you all! :)

The Twitter winners have been picked also, we still have more codes to give out, so keep an eye out on our Facebook page and TwitchTV page over the next couple of days. :)

Yaaay :D I've always wanted to be a goat :')
Not played it yet(gonna wait until i've purchased a GPU, so i can crank the settings up). Will post a video or screenshots once i'm up and running...

This game is all the lolz...
I prefer Geep will you stock Geep simulator? Can i use my steering wheel?

Also face on GOTYE he looks territorial LOL
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I'm not sure if this is baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddd.... or lolz still...

What am i suppose to do other than smash shhhhh up or get trolled by the traffic..

Controls are a little awkward, but this will make for good weekend lolz...
I liked the part when I screamed at a woman on top of the construction yard, then headbutted her on the trampoline and she fell...

Ahhh, Goat Simulator.
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