** Competition ** - Win a BitFenix Aurora Midi Tower Case and RGB LED Strips!

I know this is absolutely awful compared to some of these here but you have to be in it to win it so I'll make this my placeholder for now :D


Wish I got the GA-Z77X-D3H for the black PCB tbh.


Figured I have a slightly higher than 5% chance atm, not bad.
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The competition has been extended slightly and will end on Monday, so it gives people the weekend to submit their entries. :)
Haha no it really is for him. Been buying all the bits for a shiny looking pc for Christmas. Got everything apart for a case and a pad for him now.
Weird case change

So during night, some crazy aliens tagged my PC case with these symbols (no idea what they mean in their language) and also they made a video of it and left me a link to this competition, so I think probably they want to tell me to change my current chassis.

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It was extremely hard to choose a winner for this competition, I had to ask some of the guys here in the office to help me!

I'd love to say that everyone is a winner but unfortunately we only have one case to give away.

Because of this, there can be only one winner, and that winner is...


Congratulations almostgfx on winning! If you can send me a Trust message if your address I shall get the prize sent to you ASAP!

Winning entry:

Here is my entry..


Took me long than id like to admit (Due to actually building this)
Just so you know i am now the proud owner of one of these.
Complete your desk with the final piece for the RGB goodness that is 2016.
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