bah , all these solutions are lame , compiling 3.0rc2 latest kernel runs instantly on distcc., 318 node (mixture of P4, dual cores and quad cores) cluster, @ work of course! ... it would be a sad day when an individual owns this many nodes.
On a more pragmatic note... what tntcoder said, the more cores you have + multi-threading, the better.
@tntcoder, why don't you do your hash crunching on the GPU?
I don't quite agree about using the -j flag wildly. its usually the number of cores + 1, at least that's what I've been taught by the school of gentoo.
On a more pragmatic note... what tntcoder said, the more cores you have + multi-threading, the better.
@tntcoder, why don't you do your hash crunching on the GPU?
I don't quite agree about using the -j flag wildly. its usually the number of cores + 1, at least that's what I've been taught by the school of gentoo.