Complaint Letter

30 Sep 2004
Hi all

Just looking for an outside view of this e-mail before it gets sent to my year head at Uni. Its concerning me trying to get in contact with a tutor and her simply ignoring me then lying about it which means I now have barely no time at all for her assignment. Anyway here's the e-mail and i'll apreciate any feedback.

Hi David

I'm sorry to include you in this issue, but I consider this a matter of importance to me as this issue will affect my grades on two assignments.

The complaint regards my module 'Developing your Potential' (TSM08115) and the conduct of Jennifer Graham. On the 16th of February I e-mailed Monika Foster about picking up my materials for my flexible learning route and she said to contact Jennifer Graham, so I did on the 19th of February.

This e-mail went unanswered, as did the e-mail sent on the 26th. I then e-mailed Monika Foster on the 5th of March which went unanswered until I was forced to send an e-mail with high importance, requesting a read receipt to both members of staff and that was when I finally got an e-mail back from Monika on the 16th of March. One month and six e-mails later I had finally received a reply to my e-mails!

After arranging a meeting with Jennifer she proceeded to warn me about my tone in my last e-mail which i'll include at the end of this e-mail for you. During this meeting she also inferred that she could've made a complaint about me due to the e-mail and the possibility of an extension wasn't mentioned until I brought it up which would have left me with 5 days to do this assignment, not including any other assignments I have to do and also fit my job around this. I also don't accept the shoddy excuse she gave me of "Well I didn't get those e-mails." I've included a screenshot of my sent box to show that I have indeed sent multiple e-mails to her.

I find it unacceptable that I've received a non-negoitiable one week extension as now I have to catch up on a months worth of work for this module and complete two assignments for the 31st of March which is obviously going to affect the time given to each assignment and will greatly affect my grades along with my preparation time for my placement interview on the 31st.

I'm e-mailing you as year head to demand an extension as i'm at an obvious disadvantage and i'm unwilling to let the incompetency of this member of staff affect my grades this year. I'm requesting an extension to the 7th of April as this will give me enough time to concentrate on this assignment and read over all materials and gain a proper understanding of this module, three weeks may seem like a long extension but I'd like to point out that this is only half the time compared to the six weeks wasted trying to get in contact with Jennifer.

I appreciate you taking the time to read this and I'll appreciate your input into this matter. Again sorry to e-mail you but I felt I got nowhere with Jennifer and her conduct has angered me and my grades are too important to just leave this issue be.

Thanks, David


Hi Jennifer

I'll be available at 1pm to meet in your office tomorrow. I consider it imperative too that I start studying this module, which is why I've been e-mailing you for the past 4-5 weeks. So i'll assume that i'll be given some sort of extension which we will discuss tomorrow.


From: Jennifer
Sent: Wed 18/03/2009 18:32
To: David
Cc: Monika
Subject: RE: URGENT! TSM08115 - Developing Your Potential


I can see you on Thursday 19th March between 12.30 and 2.45 in my office - room 5/01.

Please confirm the time that you are able to attend. I am not in the University again until Tuesday.

I consider it imperative that you start studying this module as soon as possible as it is designed for weekly study and assessments. Please note that the first assessment is due to be submitted on Tuesday 24th March.

You have a lot to catch up on and I suggest that you should plan to spend time on this during the Easter Holidays so that you can maximise the learning and the potential that you can gain from this study. Also you should attend the final workshop in week 12.

I hope to see you when you collect the 2 workbooks and workshop handouts.


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I think you should use fake names if you have not already for posting on this forum.. I dont really understand whats going on from the letter.
Well I'd say using 'demand' is probs a bit too strong. You can ask your head of year for an extension I don't really think you can demand one and comes across a bit rude.
Shouldn't go demanding extensions to your year head :S, any reason why you could only send an e-mail to this jennifer and not make a phone call or pay a visit to the office?
Well I'd say using 'demand' is probs a bit too strong. You can ask your head of year for an extension I don't really think you can demand one and comes across a bit rude.

Yeah I was thinking that too. I didn't want to come across as too strong, but I didn't want to come across as weak either. I'll have a think over that one thanks. Maybe try and phrase that section differently.
yeh I find some tutors at uni are a bit slack in replying to emails, I just try and ambush them in the department after :P
I certainly wojuldnt use the term 'demand' an extension in your second to last paragraph.

Dont insult her as much as you have, feel free to say that you find her behavior unacceptable but dont call her incompetant. If you come across as agressive, the head of year's first response will be defence.
I also think 'conduct' is a bit strong too tbh. Especially if they're work colleagues you could just come across as rude and they'll close ranks against you and you won't get anywhere.
Thanks for the suggestions so far.

I know I should've went to see her. I should've found out where her office is and went up to her. I accept that's a mistake on my part.
Another vote to remove "demand an extension" - won't get you anywhere.

Also I would have gone up and found the room if it was that important to a module i studied at uni, 6 weeks is a long time putting off doing that and hiding behind the defence of "but i sent emails!!"
Terrible grammar throughout so I wouldn't send it. Your tone is all wrong your are consistently aggressive throughout, demanding things and accusing people of incompetency will get you no where it will just annoy people.

If I was your head of year I would simply turn around and say you've already recieved a very generous extension, if this work was so important to you and time was so critical why did you not contact the members of staff by telephone or in person? No go away and get on with the work.
I think you may be in trouble with this one, you could have seen this tutor in person had they not replied after a week?

Maybe it went into her junk? Who knows. Not sure this excuse is going to hold water if im honest, you have made minimal effort to resolve it yourself other than firing off more emails.
Also I would have gone up and found the room if it was that important to a module i studied at uni, 6 weeks is a long time putting off doing that and hiding behind the defence of "but i sent emails!!"

Yes, that did strike me as a trifle odd. :confused:
She may or may not have received your mail - spam defences can be more annoying than the spam sometimes.

Regardless of that you should have phoned or faxed, if you were at work and didn't bother chasing up someone you'd get it in the neck even if it was their fault for ignoring you.
Even if you are angry, you do not write angry letters.

There is no point getting annoyed with your Head, he won't be on your side if you take this tone with him.
I think the tutor will say that you had every opportunity to call or go to her directly. If this is the case it will be her word vs. yours. I've always found that people don’t always regard emails the same as phone call and speaking directly to someone.

Cant see an easy way around this unless your studing your Uni course online and you have no other means of contacting her. Just 6 weeks without 1 phone or face to face meeting seems a bit odd to me.

good luck with your demands though :D
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