Completed Overclock (What You Guys Think)

9 Jan 2006
Chester, Cheshire
A8N-SLI Primium

AMD Athlon 64 4000+ San Dieago Clocked @ 2.92Ghz

CPU Frequency 290
CPU Voltage (Vcore) 1.475v
Hyper Thransport Frequency X3
CPU Multi X10

GeIL 2GB (2x1GB) DDR PC3200 CAS3 Divided 266Mhz
DDR Voltage 2.80V

2 Point OF View 7800GT's clocked At Core Clock 451Mhz Memory Clock 1100Ghz

Creative Fatlity X-Fi Sound Card 64 X-Ram

3DMark05 Score = 12,062

This is the first ever attempt at Overclocking for me. Although this may not be this PC's limit it has all been done on Standard seems to run stable through out the 3Dmark05 tests and whilst playing F.E.A.R!

I'm open to all sorts of comments, good or please feel free,

Sounds like a good overclock, have you tried testing it with Prime95 to see if its stable in that? Next stop is 3ghz... :)
I'll download 3Dmark01 as for Prime95 i haven't ran that as of yet will do when i'm in work tomorrow...although 6 hours of F.E.A.R hasn't caused any problems....will let you know results tho.
Glad to hear you've got a result. Nice going. Now for the fun part...benching your rig. Try superpi mod 1.4 and run the 1M test. There are a couple of threads here for comparison. Here is one.

For memory tweaking try Everest Home Edition found here.

or Sisoft Sandra found here.

Run the memory benchies for a baseline and if you're feeling brave you can test to see how diffeerent memory timings affect the score. There is a Sisoft benchmark comparison going on here.
Within the first 10 seconds of the Blend torture test in Prime95 this came up:

FATEL ERROR Rounding was 0.4999998361, Expected Less than 0.4

Hardware Failure detected,

1 Error, 0 Warnings

Tortoure Test Halted

The systems runs games etc, and 3Dmark05 so i don't understand why this is happening, i used to get pyhsical memory dumps with the blue screen of death, this doesn't happen now....Please help...i don't know enough about RAM.

Is this a normal problem??? Because all i've done is put a divider 266MHz and changed the DDR Voltage to 2.80V to help with the CPU overclock...

I tested the RAM on that memory tester programe before the overclock, it ran for 6 hours with no could this be hardware (RAM) related???
Do you get any artifacts in the games or 3dmark? If it does what you want and you no longer get BSODs why worry? IMHO, you rapidly hit a point of diminishing returns trying to push things too far. Just back up any critical data regularly in case you do get some coruption (something ou should do anyway).
What cpu temps are you getting? If it is 50c or less try raising the vcore 1 notch. Also try 2.9v vdimm to see if that helps. Failing that try looser timings on your RAM. Raise the CAS by 0.5 to see if that helps.
I know this is a bit of an aside but I'm sure your board could handle a HTT of x4 without any complaints (HTT will only be 1160 after all)
with that error in Prime, you don't really have a stable clock... especially as it went almost immediatley. You might be happy with it's performance in games and such, but it also might fail unexpectedly. I had a clock that seemed stable in games and such and failed prime after about 3 hrs but eventually it took out my windows install, HD refused to boot entirely and required a really low level format to fix.

Nowadays, if it doesn't pass at least 8 hrs on a Prime95 torture test, it's not stable enough for me.

Thing now though is to find where it's failing, before increasing anything. Try a memtest run on bootup to see if your memory is failing (test 5 usually fails first so that the one to test first). If it is you might need to alter memory timings to try and get it through, or you might need to lower your clock. Personally I still do the 1 thing at a time, get max CPU capable, get max memory, then try and get them working together.

Sorry not to give too much help, but me guessing from here could do bad things to your pricey kit... There are loads of guides around the net on how to do it safe and steady, google is our friend.
Well ive got mine at 11x250 at 2.75 at the mo with memory devider at 333 and some relaxed memory settings, also cpu voltage is 1.45v and memory is 2.75v.

Just tried running prime95 and I get this warning when running over and over again:- ERROR ILLEGAL SUMOUT??

Any ideas??

New Overclock

AMD Athlon 64 4000+ San Dieago Clocked @ 2.7Ghz Standard Cooling
(Now stable for 10+ hours, this is before I stopped the tests this morning)
CPU Frequency 225
CPU Multiplier X12
DDR Voltage 2.60V - 2.70V (seems faster with higher voltage though)
CPU Voltage (Vcore) 1.450V (more stable than standard 1.400V)
Hyper Transport Frequency Set to X4 (FSB 900)

GEIL 2GB RAM PC3200 at 2-3-3-6 with ½ Divider running @ 200Mhz

My first attempt as I’m sure a lot of you know kept failing Prime95 within a matter of seconds…a lot of you gave advise and a few good tips an ideas although none worked at keeping the system stable @ 2.92Ghz on standard cooling. Regardless of RAM timings, CPU voltage or DDR Voltage all attempts failed…I ran memory tests out of windows before overclocking for at least 6 hours, no errors were found. I can safely say that with only a few days of hands on experience I can tell you that to truly have a stable system you have to have stable RAM, Which the GEIL 2GB setup isn’t. I’ve read reviews on the net saying there is no way of getting these modules past 214Mhz on any latency settings. Even with a divider I find it hard to find a stable Overclock that allows Prime95 to run for more than 5 minutes without a fatal error. The highest Overclock with this set of RAM modules is with a 2/3 Divider running @ 266Mhz with a latency setting of 3-4-4-8…but I wanted a lower latency there for the only stable setting was with ½ Divider running @ 200Mhz with latency’s of 2-3-3-6.

I hope the above is not all gobbly gup, and that it all actually means something?? Its my first attempt at getting a stable system and I hope what I’ve wrote is to point an more so correct in theory.

Thanks guys for any help…future overclocks will be attempted, keeping you posted I shall.

I'm glad it's not just me that's having problems with prime95. Got my machine upto 2.75 last night, but after trying various memory settings, ie setting the divider to 266 and relaxing the memory settings, increasing the voltage for the memory etc I still get the same problem.

Like you i'm running 2x512 corair twin x xms which can run at but i'm not currently running it at these settings.

I think I will wait until I get a better cpu cooler and will have another go then.

Hmm, I have a 2GB pack of GEIL and it runs reliably 254/7 at 225mhz... runs prime etc with no problems. I guess it just depends on the actual sticks that you have...
Chaos_Darklight said:
CPU Frequency 225
CPU Multiplier X12
DDR Voltage 2.60V - 2.70V (seems faster with higher voltage though)

GEIL 2GB RAM PC3200 at 2-3-3-6 with ½ Divider running @ 200Mhz

I'm a bit confused at what you siad about your memory speed.

your HT frequncy is 225, x12 = CPU frequency.

Your RAM will be clocked at 225 as well, unless you run a divider - which you say you are doing. Thing is you say your divider is 1/2, wich seems to indicate to me that you are only clocking your memory really slowly (112.5Mhz).

I'm not sure what your BIOS looks like in the RAM divider screens (mine gives me Frequency relative to 200Mhz, and a ratio - so the 180 Mhz setting is a divider of 9/10.

Have I got confused? or it is you :)

edit, you may have DDR figures in memory, I have quoted actual clock speeds.
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