
9 Nov 2005
hola guys,

I'm having real trouble with composition on my photos, any bits of advice you can give me to help me?

Love Dan
Marik said:
hola guys,
I'm having real trouble with composition on my photos, any bits of advice you can give me to help me?
Love Dan

Post some of your shots & people can tell you what they think you are doing right/wrong :)
Quick tip on processing. Both Raw Shooter and Photoshop CS2 will be able to automatically adjust your photos to what it thinks is the best settings for exposure and white balance. As for the composition, they don't seem badly composed just maybe uninteresting subjects. The classic icey mountain shot usually has something to indicate a sense of scale, and I don't mean a guy with a ruler in the shot ;)

Ah the 4th one would have worked better with that church like building in the shot and the mountains behind.
hm.. thats what i used rawshooter thingy, was recommened, prolly by yourself at some point. I didn;t know that no. hm.. Yes the first 3 shots are 3.5k metres up so.. :/
In RawShooter, push alt+e for auto exposure and alt+w for auto white balance. It should make a difference.
Marik said:
ok will have a look thanks

any tips for photoshop processing?

With snowy shots I usually play with brightness/shadow/highlight/saturation to perk things up a bit. Gave your church one a quick fiddle :


Gets mucked up with jpeg compression when posting :(
wow, thats really good. yeah i have the raw shots here tho

how do you add a border? i dont even know how you do that, shamefull eh :(
Marik said:
how do you add a border? i dont even know how you do that, shamefull eh :(

easiest way to do a simple border is to increase the canvas size while changing the background colour. I increased it by 2 pixels @ black then 16 @ white giving a 1 pixel black border with a 8 pixel white border evenly spaced round it

Hope that made sense :)

//edit // only using Elements 3.0 here
Image menu -> Canvas Size... Then tick the 'relative' check box, type in your border width and choose the colour from the thingy at the bottom.
Going back a bit to your question on composition.
By the look of it there was some really stunning scenary around you.
I've got a lot of shots like your first 2 from walking in the alps and up in scotland.
I've come to think that the problem with these shots are that you can't put them into any sort of 'context', there is no horizon, sky or trees to give the picture scale. There is also no real 'focus' or 'subject' to draw the eye.
When you're there its amazing, and when you look at those shots I'm sure you can put them exactly into the right place in your mind, but for someone who wasn't there, they don't 'mean' a great deal.
These are good photos if YOU like them, but they probably won't capture the imagination of anyone else, because they won't make them feel like they are there
Just my thoughts..... Keep it up
You right, thats exactly it!

And you're right theres nothing to put it into context, and when i look at them i can see it for whats it like, you're a star mate. Thanks very much, made me feel much better. Dan
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