Compression/Size advice for web gallery images

6 Nov 2002
London UK
I’m putting together an online gallery of family photos and I’ve been playing around with various compression settings to give an acceptable image but still keep the file size down.

Seeing how some of you guys probably know a hell of a lot more about this than me, what resizing methods and compression settings do you use for publishing your web pics and what would you consider to be an average file size of a 800x600 jpg?

Thanks. :)
I wouldnt sit there waiting for a 10mb picture to download. Pretty sure it would keep poeple away from your online photo gallery more than anything else.
I use Windows powertool resizer. It resizes to 800x600 and the file is just under 200KB. Good quality and only takes about 2-3 seconds (if that) to load up on a 2 meg connection. :)
I've been using Paint Shop Pro (yes I really need to move over to PS) and saving them to jpg using the default options with a compression level of 15, this seems to give me images around 175-185Kb.
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