compro dvb-t 300

Just went onto the compro website
"ComproDTV needs to use components of Ulead PhotoExplore 8.0 SE. If your computer doesn't have PhotoExplore, ComproPVR will fail to record. Please reinstall Ulead PhotoExplore 8.0 SE from installation CD."
According to the site you require the ulead software :/
hmmmmmmmmm thought it needed that program for some strange reason, I dont have it now as I dont have the cd, its strange though vegeta as to why yours works and u dont have Ulead PhotoExplore 8.0 SE installed? or do u ?
I think you only need that installed if you're using Compro's own software.

I'm using a T200 using the drivers off the website and it's working with MCE fine at this very moment.

When you say you scan for Digital channels and it doesn't work, does it either go through 0-100% (should take quite a while) and doesn't pick up anything or does it just fail with a software error?

It doesn't sound codec related to me unless you're picking up channels and then getting a specific "decoder error" when you come to watch the channel.
It doesnt pick any channels up at all is whats happening, and i know the signal is fine, so thats not the problem. My daewoo box gives 5 multiplexes as 97% and one at 92% (as you can imagine its pretty much as close to perfect as you can get) all other digi boxes in the house pick up everything also my other htpc with a happauge nova-t in picks up all channels.

The driver is an improvment over the older ones, as with older drivers MCE said there was not a tv card installed ! :(

Iv not played with this card in a couple of months, I got it working for about 1 week in compro's software (about a month after a bought it) on my úber pc, I cannot remember the driver version, or software version, or what order I installed driver/compro/Ulead PhotoExplore 8.0 SE.

The reason I want it working now is that I have scrapped enough bits together for a HTPC in my front room. I however dont want to spend another £50 on getting a nova-t card (although I KNOW this will work 1st time no problems)

So in theory I should ONLY need to install the driver is what your saying phil99 ? Windows MCE 2005 SP2 scans for the channels but doesnt pick any up (it does take a while), compros 2706 software also picks up nothing (also taking a while).

This is what happened before and I did something, although I have no idea what it was and got it working (only in compros software though)

Also why does it take so long ? the Nova-t card is some 75% faster at scanning for channels and also picks them up.

EDIT: also more keen to get working as ATI have released a new remote wonder driver that now makes the remote wonder 1 work properly and now (thankgod) stable in mce
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just reinstalled everything, tried it with only the driver, still finds no channels :S, the yellow light on the card is always on, this something to do with it ? should it change green when it works properly ?
Hi all if anyone reads this can i have some help getting a Philips Universal SAA7134 driver ? if I got another companys driver that uses this chipset (is the one used on my compro card) how would i modify the ini to get windows to use the different driver?
I think the Ulead software installs Windows Media Encoder. Maybe Ulead isn't required but WME is.

I got my 200 working, but the signal is so weak I only get the top quarter of a picture (the second quarter is a mess at best and the remaining half of the screen is blank) that only changes every 20 seconds or so. Radio stations seem to be okay though. I've run it on several aerials (none are external though - drilling a hole in the wall is not an option) and through boosters too, and nothing will work. But the card is fine.
yeah the light on the card is yellow, something wrong there?

Also obviously im starting to think - is it faulty ? i -dont- think so from my many years of experience with computers, i just think its very badly designed.

I CAN pick up analoge TV just NOT digital, would this make the card faulty ?

Im intruiged now by the yellow light and as to why its always on, thinking about it i -think- i do remember seeing the light turn green when it worked, hmmmmmmmmmm
hi vegeta, iv just looked again on the card there are 3 leds, there is a green one lit up nearest the pci slot behind the silver tuner box, and one yellow lit up on the opposite edge (and therefore easiest to see when you open the case) is this yellow on yours?

iv also just installed windows media encoder 9 and reinstalled drivers to see how i get on now :S
Hmm i'm not too sure mate - That could simply be the cause of your troubles try posting somewhere else how to change to a diff irq
gave up in the end, thanks very much for your help though vegeta ! bought a nova-t usb2 at a very much knocked down price :D

plugged it in, fired it up, worked 1st time no problems, the way it should be !

advice to anyone reading this, NEVER buy a compro product, there aweful, happauge and nova-t is the way forward ! ;)
I really wanted a nebula now, im not having problems with my card but the nebula has soo many featues + its a lot more powerfull.
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