Apologies - just general internet caution. My degree subject was physics. There was a second year programming module about making an N body simulation of the solar system under gravity, in java. That was fairly basic and was more about whether we could translate physics equations into code.
Yuck, they made you do that in java??? That would be horrible for any numerical stuff, they were torturing you!
The third year course was to simulate a particle accelerator and was all about inheritance and the basics around that, as well as polymorphism etc. My masters project was also a simulation [...] internship with some basic C++ stuff - more simulations and data analysis.
Yeah, I've been learning some SQL just from online resources, and have asked my boss at my current job to see if I can access our DB with SQL rather than the web interface - that's in the works,
I mean if you're employed already and can do a bit of SQL (maybe some data analysis etc..?) in your current role
do not go and get some random IT support job if your goal is actually to become a developer or something along those lines, I honestly can't see any benefit in doing that.
I mean you've got some solid foundations already, lack of a CS degree isn't generally an issue, especially if you're a maths or physics grad!
Numerical stuff from physics, simulations etc.. is quite applicable/transferable in some banking/finance dev jobs (lots of pricing/modelling work in finance was done by Physicists/applied mathematicians working as quants)... you're not necessarily going to get a quant job but being a developer who understands that stuff can be valuable in itself - honestly, plenty of CS grads don't really have much maths beyond a-level, they might have some discreet stuff and a bit of linear algebra but that's about it.
Likewise, your data analysis experience is valuable anywhere - I mean you could maybe look at jobs doing that even (very much in demand at the moment!) also the roles that don't mostly rely on using some package like Tableau can end up with you doing quite a bit of programming in R or Python etc.. +, of course, SQL is often required.
If you've got experience with Java and C++ you should be able to pick up Python very easily. If you want some free ML stuff check out fast.ai (for cutting edge deep learning content - they use Python/NumPy/PyTorch + their fast.ai library) and for the more traditional ML stuff try the statistical learning course on Stanford online (this uses R) (+, more importantly, their books are available for free - ISL and ESL), or the Caltech learning from data course or Andrew Ng's ML course - reduced version is on Coursera with a paid-for cert, full-fat version is on Stanford engineering everywhere. Check out kaggle.com too if going down this route.
I'd work on your skills, both technical and making your CV great, interview prep etc.. and carry on aiming for dev jobs or similar right now. If going for dev jobs then build stuff, stick it on Github etc.. if going for data analyst/data science jobs then do some kaggle.com competitions etc...