Computer crash need to access a RAID0 array?

14 Apr 2006
Hi, I've had 2 Hitachi TK7 SATAII hard drives setup in RAID0 - used the nVraid controller to create the array.

The other day my computer crashed, I can't be bothered right now to find out whats wrong so am using another computer...

The problem is that I desperately need to access the data on the drives, but my backup computer is an old nForce 2 based one, and only has an SIL3114 controller that isn't SATA2.

Before the computer crashed I had already used the utility supplied by Hitachi to make the drives use SATA2 mode.

Is there any way I can access the drives with my current computer?

Thanx :(
Thanks for replying

Problem is I'm not sure if its the mobo or cpu thats gone down (was using a vapochill and caked too much dielectric grease on the cpu and...well lots of kerfuffles)...

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