Computer Frooze, unsaved work

12 Feb 2006
My girlfriend has been working on couirsework due tomorrow for last 3 hours and computer has just forooze and the work was unsaved. anyway of getting this back? e.g. some Temp folder or something? she has clicked back onto the software she was using and it isn't there apperanlty. I know she is not using microsoft words, i think its some older office set that she has. She is using winXP home. thanks guys. quick responses are needed
I'm guessing she was doing it in Office? If so then open Microsoft Word or whatever she was using back up and there'll be a fairly recent, if not, latest 'backup' of it that word saved automatically.
Craig321 said:
I'm guessing she was doing it in Office? If so then open Microsoft Word or whatever she was using back up and there'll be a fairly recent, if not, latest 'backup' of it that word saved automatically.

where is the backup? i dont really understand what you are saying? how do i open it?
addy_010 said:
where is the backup? i dont really understand what you are saying? how do i open it?

Within some MS Word temporary files.

Microsoft Word saves the document automatically every few minutes, these autosaves go into a temp file somewhere. If your PC crashes or something and you loose work then when you start back up word it'll ask you if you'd like to recover your document, it'll then pull up the most recent one it has which will be fairly recent as it saves automatically quite often.

So if you open Word now it should ask you if you'd like to recover your document.

Hmm, just saw you said it's MS works. I'm not sure if this has the recover feature. Open up the word processor anyway, it may have the recovery feature.

Craig321 said:
Within some MS Word temporary files.

Hmm, just saw you said it's MS works. I'm not sure if this has the recover feature. Open up the word processor anyway, it may have the recovery feature.


nopeit doesnt she says. Anything else. Is ther not a folder that works would save it into anyway, just maybe not show you you can load it or sometinhG?
Which version? It appears that autosave and autorecovery features were only introduced to MS Works in version 8 (i.e. the latest version) :(

The only other option I can think of if you are using an older version of Works is the History option, but again this would rely on the file having touched the disk.
IMO though, why use Works? Even OpenOffice is 10x better than it and has an autosave facility (though it is off by default).
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