A friend has a computer which I built for them. It's been running fine for around 1 1/2 years on a Maxtor 80gb drive. Yesterday, they asked me round, as the disk was making loud clicking noises, and randomly the motherboard would not detect anything in its slot, IDE 1; although sometimes, the PC would succeed in booting to Windows. I said that the HD was probably on the way out, and that they should back everything up etc.
Unfortunately, they didn't back up like I told them to . Today, they asked me around again. Firstly, the PC just wouldnt switch on, then seemingly randomly, it would switch on again, but now permantently doesn't detect the HD - are these two issues likely related? Or could it be a dodgey PSU at the same time? Maybe it is another issue entirely that I have missed?
Basically, I'm wondering what to do next. I've now got the PC at mine, so it's available to be tinkered with.
Many thanks,
A friend has a computer which I built for them. It's been running fine for around 1 1/2 years on a Maxtor 80gb drive. Yesterday, they asked me round, as the disk was making loud clicking noises, and randomly the motherboard would not detect anything in its slot, IDE 1; although sometimes, the PC would succeed in booting to Windows. I said that the HD was probably on the way out, and that they should back everything up etc.
Unfortunately, they didn't back up like I told them to . Today, they asked me around again. Firstly, the PC just wouldnt switch on, then seemingly randomly, it would switch on again, but now permantently doesn't detect the HD - are these two issues likely related? Or could it be a dodgey PSU at the same time? Maybe it is another issue entirely that I have missed?
Basically, I'm wondering what to do next. I've now got the PC at mine, so it's available to be tinkered with.
Many thanks,