concerns over Corsair and DFI board

damn didnt check that on my housemates board... think hes sent it back now, theyll probably charge him if its working fine, whoops!
Being new to socket 939's (from upgrading from a Athlon xp2200+) I wasn't sure whatthey were in the first place as they're quite larg jumpers. O well glad its sorted, just need to sort out my monitor now lol
Maxx1984 said:
Being new to socket 939's (from upgrading from a Athlon xp2200+) I wasn't sure whatthey were in the first place as they're quite larg jumpers. O well glad its sorted, just need to sort out my monitor now lol
Lucky I got you thinking about it again, you could have returned such a great board ;). Any issues, go for the DFI thread in the motherboard section. :)
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