Confess your gaming sins...

1 Aug 2017

I can't stand JRPG's. Same cliched nonsense always with poor narrative. Japanese devs wouldn't know a good story if it came up and bit them on the ****. I look at Persona 5, Final Fantasy 15, etc and just shake my head.


Anime is a cancer. Any game that has this style is instantly ruined for me. It's tacky, the devs may as well use clip art. No wonder art schools ban it from portfolio submission.


I've got every Steam achievement for Half-Life 2. Took me 60hrs. :D


I don't like Sports titles and never will.


When i bought my GTX 970 and the whole issue with the VRAM came about, i emailed Nvidia and complained. They sent me 3 codes for AAA games. I sold the codes and basically got my 970 for £200. :D

Mods: Please change title to: Confess your gaming sins and other opinions. Cheers.
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1) whilst i don't enjoy or Love JRPGs saying all JPRG story suck totally wrong and short sighted of you. thats your opinion. not sure how this is a sin?

2) using that word to describe an art style is very sad indeed. what you 5?. some Anime can be very emotional & artistic even if i'm not a fan myself. Heck some shows you may have watched growing up (or still are by your post) could be anime...

3) not sure how this is a sin...

4) not sure how this is a sin?...

5) you was right to complain, not sure hoe selling the games is a sin..

i don't understand this thread at all.

a better sin would be saying i spent £20 on micro transactions or bought a game made by EA...
1) whilst i don't enjoy or Love JRPGs saying all JPRG story suck totally wrong and short sighted of you. thats your opinion. not sure how this is a sin?

I've played my fair share of them i.e. Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger, etc, basically most of the so called "classics". I've tried playing modern ones too, and they haven't changed a bit.

I get it, you like the JRPG's and Anime. No need to act like someone **** in your Corn Flakes. Cheers up. Have a drink, get laid or both. :D
This thread has promise as long as everyone plays nice...

My gaming sin is that I have platinum trophies for Farming Simulator 2015 and 2017 :)
Not so much sins, but anyway....

I miss cheat codes. IDKFA, IDDQD, GUNSGUNSGUNS, NOPOLICEPLEASE, and so on. I see no problems with cheating or hacking in a single player games. Online or multiplayer or co-op is a completely different thing though - removal of reproductive organs should be the punishment for that...

DRM doesn't work. Either doesn't stop copying or causes issues to legitimate players.

FPS games suck on consoles. Joypads are entirely the wrong controller.

Gran Turismo series is extremely meh...

Halo - Utterly generic.

Mario was best in 2D.
Built a gaming pc when I was a student, and then spent the next 5 years almost entirely playing championship manager :/

Didn't enjoy HL

Preferred playing TF2 on 360 rather than PC

Missed 3 or 4 years of mainstream gaming, by instead putting my time into a browser based F1 management MMO (GPRO)

Keep accumulating games, albeit in cheap bundles, even though I'll never play them because I've started playing GPRO again :/
This thread has promise as long as everyone plays nice...

My gaming sin is that I have platinum trophies for Farming Simulator 2015 and 2017 :)

I nearly bought that but couldn't quite face myself...

My gaming sin is probably that I'm terrible for playing a game for 10 hours, putting it down, going back to it a few months later and doing the same then never playing it again because I can't face that same start zone again...

That and I must MUST do every single side quest and completely clear a zone before moving on. Which is probably what drives me to quit after 10 hours tbh...
1. DRM encourages me to pirate before I buy.
2. I've completely gone off FPS games like COD etc, not because the games are worse but because the communities always seem to be so toxic when I tried them. Probably an age thing.
3. I use to love driving sims, haven't played one in years because they've gotten far too serious and take up too much time. they have literally become to realistic a sim lol!
4. I don't want HL3, just think it'd be a disappointment. Some things should remain unmade.
5. I don't see why people like the Witcher series, I thought combat was beyond awful in all 3, but bought them each time because I really WANTED to like them.
In L4D I used to load first and run out the saferoom before everyone else had joined. The NPCs follow you so when the other players eventually joined they were usually half dead surrounded by zombies :)

I blame SSDs.
Bought a 1080ti and a X34a to play at 100hz, ultrawide 3440x1440 with Gsync but for most of the gaming time play BF1 my PS4 which doesnt support any of the features!

Also instead of playing the latest and greatest ive found myself going back to some classic games like NOLF 1 & 2!
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