Confused isn't the word!

Hi guys,

Just a quick update on the PC build. ALL DONE! It was pretty difficult and for me a bit of a daunting process. I'd been stairing at the components all week going over it in my head what I was going to do and at 18:00 I start to build.

Case was ready, motherboard was out and on a firm non static place, cpu followed and the placement went pretty well. Was just following videos and had a friend to help me, everything went smoothly just took a while to get everything in the right place.

After a couple of hours we hooked it up to a monitor and went to power on! As you can imagine it didn't go great, turned on and then powered off. After back tracking and trouble shooting we eventually found that it was the RAM causing the issue. One stick hadn't settled correctly.

Problem was solved and it booted up so we then put the other fans on for the case and it was FINALLY up and running. Went into the BIOS and done what needed to be done and then went on to install Windows.

Glad to say it installed and everything went smoothly, the drivers updated and obviously Windows ;) went and installed my internet security and preceded to install steam, origin and of course Chrome.

Checked out temps and CPU was at 20/21 idle and graphics card was the same.

I'll plug it all up again later in the day and get playing on it. Will have pictures of the case and the whole build for you to see tomorrow.

8gb is enough for most games but if you are focused on a 980ti build then I would personally recommend x99 which would result in 4x4gb ram as it only supports quad channel ram.

You mentioned 4k gaming, don't expect a single 980TI to run every game on max settings at 4k as it wont but 4k with medium/high graphics is more than achievable and at least you could run 1440p to get that boost with little to no performance loss.

You have been given some very good options here. Glad to see someone taking a good approach to this

EDIT: bit late to the punch lol

what did you go for?

Well done also :)

Thank you! :D No problem, I found out about that RAM last night which caused an issuse but got it sorted in the end.

I went for...

i7 5820k
Gigabyte x99 SLI

I'll have a picture of build in a bit when it's all powered up, I was just that excited and relieved I got it done I forgot to take any pictures of it running! :D
Hey guy's quick question, when I brought the GTX 980Ti it had the bullets or blade bundle and said email download but am yet to receive anything. Do I need to do something to be able to download a choice?

Hi I don't suppose you could help me at all? i downloaded corsair link and installed etc and when it loaded everything looked good apart from one thing was weird. It said that one of the Motherboards temperature monitor was at -55C any clue what that could mean?

thank you in advance.
Here you guy's there is three images below that show the fully built PC, I'm happy with the results and for the first every PC I have made it makes over the moon to have it up and running and working a treat! The images aren't that great but I still feel you get a good view of it.

To everyone that lead me to finally making the move and "growing a set" to build a gaming PC that I've been wanting to do for nearly 6 years now! THANK YOU! I hope to be able to game with you and keep in touch through the forums!

My Steam: AlexParkinson333
Origin: Parkinson1LG

Use the 4 Grey slots for the Ram to enable Quad channel. Well done on your first build :)

Hi there i just done what you said with the ram and windows is being laggy and has frozen a couple of times and is making me run a diagnostics or reboot any idea?


It just keeps crashing now when trying to load into windows 10
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Is it showing correct RAM amounts in the bios along with the channels they are in?

Yeah forst thing i checked was bios and showed full amount of 16gb and the channels as well. No problem in there. Just windows did not like it and kept crashing. I closed and shut down the pc and changed bacl to how it was and started it again. Windows wanted a reboot forst time round and then took a little while to get to desktop but then it was fine. I restarted again to check load times and it was bacl to normal. Boots up and loaded in about 5 seconds.

Windows issue?
Tbh I'm not sure if having it like this will have any detrimental effects.

Considering its being picked up correctly and booting fine I would say its completely fine as x99 only notices quad channel ddr4.

Maybe someone more knowledgeable can advise but imo, its fine.

Yeah i just find it strange as to why its just Win 10 not loading up and keeps freezing. All slots were seated properly and showing up in the BIOS just Windows kept on crashing.

The RAM is Kingston HyperX Fury and comes loaded with an XMP profile which says its disabled but has one profile I can load. Does it make any difference? All this is new to me and the old brain is starting to hurt woth information overload :confused:
You have 2400 ram, the board will only run it at 2133 without xmp, try it you wont blow it up...much :p

Just enabled it and booted. No problems as of yet. All this is making my head hurt.

Just wanted to have it on quad channel as was said earlier on if its all placed in the grey slots which i did and then windows would just crash and obviously became unstable or one way or another.
Memory tab > DRAM Frequency should be around 1200

It's showing up as 12021.9/1202.4 so yeah it's around 1200. I'm guessing this is a good sign and everything is working how it should do?

Thanks for the help, I really do appreciate it and helps to settle any nerves ha.
Morning guys, it's been a little while since I've had my pc up and running and playing a little bit of battlefield 4.

I have a question that has been playing on my mind to do with my CPU cooler. (Corsair H110i GT)

I have an exhaust setup but I have the fans underneath the radiator so my question is...

Is it better to have the fans on top of the radiator rather than them being mounted under the radiator?

In my third picture I uploaded previously you should be able to see what I mean if not there is also a link to a short video of the built and you'll see there that my fans are mounted underneath the radiator.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

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