Congratulations SideWinder!

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Andelusion said:
Have fun with Back In Black :p

Was only joking you big ninny :) (Can't believe I just called you a 'Ninny').

I can play back in black now muhahaha!
I would have had lessons if you'd let me play your jem :p
Andr3w said:
I can play back in black now muhahaha!
I would have had lessons if you'd let me play your jem :p

Then you'd be coming for all the wrong reasons :)

Playing my Jem wouldn't make you any better, anyways back *on-topic* :confused:
Make it known kinky sex is a parameter of your relationship. If she doesn't like this, give her an ultimatum then dump her. ;)

No point wasting time when another potential kinky sex candidate may be round the corner... :D
Melm0 said:
So... do we start making a thread everytime someone from the forums gets a gf/bf?

or is this a one off tinterweb craze, here one week, gone the next?
Ahh sometimes for guys its important to show off how manly they are now they have a girlfriend :p
(its great by the way i hope your really happy together and we dont see any "i'm single again" threads from you :))
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