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Conroe runs on i865 chipset

oooh nice to see they've moved on to mass production. can't wait to see some meaningful reviews/benchmarks of actual retail cpu's as opposed to the ES chips we've been seeing over at XS.
Thats defantly nice to see, I had a feeling that it would work on 955/975 chipsets and any other boards that can accept a 65nm dual core. The main reason they dont at the moment is because manufacturers wont update the bios untill conroe's mainstream.
Jimbo Mahoney said:
I don't think anyone is going to buy one based on the current news, but it's looking good.

what, i thought eveyone and theirs dogs were ready to jump cus 'it got the fast pi time ever OMG' etc etc...
Dreadi said:
what, i thought eveyone and theirs dogs were ready to jump cus 'it got the fast pi time ever OMG' etc etc...

no i think everyone can see that so far things look very good - so they are ready to jump IF this is still the case when it gets released and tested more rigorously ;)
Well I'm going to bite the bullet & move over to conroe ASAP, someones got to be the guinea pigs afterall. I wonder if they will run on present PSU's ??

I agree I coudnt give a monkeys about what pi they do 3dmark crap, as long as its 20% faster in games then thats a good sign! ;)
Jimbo Mahoney said:

At 2.66 Ghz, that conroe gets double what my single core Opty gets @ 3Ghz :eek: (3DMark '06 CPU score)


I'm looking forward to Conroe...

My 805 pwns your Opty :p

Gets 17xx can't remember what exactley though.

I wonder if Nvidia will support conroe...would be nice to see. Especially as my intel mobo is nforce 4 :D

Edit: Just ran it again and got 1756 CPU score
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for comparison my old dothan @ 2.8 got 1222 in the cpu test... so i would expect with two cores it looks about right, a little lower than i expected if anything.
Dual core Xeon? Had one of them go through my work the otehr day :P Two of em actually, built em n all :D lol...theyre like, the same size as the MP processors. i think neways lol
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