Constantly being hacked , bluetooth

30 Aug 2009
So for a while now someone in the near vicinity has been hacking me via blue tooth making comments when i type etc. Constantly adding devices on bluetooth.
I disabled bluetooth bios and uninstalled it in device manager but i somehow keep getting hacked.
Need your help here guys.
If you uninstalled Bluetooth then Windows may have automatically reinstalled it. You need to leave it installed and disable it.
If you disabled bluetooth in the bios then it will be disabled completely, the hacker must have access through your wifi/internet connection and your os is compromised, i'd wipe it and reinstall
If you disabled bluetooth in the bios then it will be disabled completely, the hacker must have access through your wifi/internet connection and your os is compromised, i'd wipe it and reinstall
It happens when im offline.Can you please clarify?
Also when i try to boot to windows manager via usb it goes straight to my login page.
Surely you can't add a bluetooth device on Windows without adding it from within Windows? Otherwise that would be a security nightmare.
Have you tried disabling it fully in device manager?
Ok even more odd i disabkled bluetooth wifi and no internet connection, playing rage 2 beat the boss all of a sudden the game quits out early and the sound goes off.
I had to repeat the last boss but now there was no sound to my game.
Can someone please find a solution to this mess?
I just checked there was a blutooth service running before my game quitted and the audio now doesnt work in settings.
How does someone connect when i disabled bios and in windows. Is there some kind of special device or something.
This should not happen.
I don't know if this is happening in your case, but the BIOS on/off switch for additional hardware often doesn't actually disable things properly, it can be more like a soft off and leaves the chip powered.
I don't know if this is happening in your case, but the BIOS on/off switch for additional hardware often doesn't actually disable things properly, it can be more like a soft off and leaves the chip powered.
where is the off switch for the bluetooth on the motherboard please?
I have a sus maximus hero z790
Hmmm interesting thread. I been used bluetooth on compute stick for 7 years to connected to bluetooth keyboard and my phones apps to turned it into keyboard and mouse and never had issue with bluetooth and also never been hacked.

I could suggest you to try download Nirsoft Bluetooth View and BluetoothLogView to detect what devices were connected to your bluetooth with pairing and without pairing within 240 metre range and block their device from access your bluetooth.

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Are you using any other bluetooth dongles for headphones, mouse, keyboard etc? If so, disconnect them.

If you're not using any dongles then check all your USB ports (including hubs etc) to make sure a friend/family member hasn't hidden a dongle in there as a joke. Some of them are low profile nowadays and easy to miss unless you're looking for them.
you can open powershell and type this to see a list of connected bluetooth devices:

C:\Users\james> Get-PnpDevice | Where-Object {$_.Class -eq "Bluetooth"}

You'll get something like this:
Status     Class           FriendlyName                                                                     InstanceId
------     -----           ------------                                                                     ----------
OK         Bluetooth       Microsoft Bluetooth Enumerator                                                   BTH\MS_BTHBR...
OK         Bluetooth       Bluetooth Device (RFCOMM Protocol TDI)                                           BTH\MS_RFCOM...
OK         Bluetooth       Device Identification Service                                                    BTHENUM\{000...
OK         Bluetooth       Generic Bluetooth Adapter                                                        USB\VID_13DD...
OK         Bluetooth       GuliKit Controller XW                                                            BTHENUM\DEV_...

use this instead if you want the full instanceIDs:

C:\Users\james> Get-PnpDevice | Where-Object {$_.Class -eq "Bluetooth"} | format-table -AutoSize
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Mind boggles how people get in these situations, as someone else said, sounds like they are accessing you pc via WiFi, Bluetooth has quite a short range, can not see how they can do that
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