Constantly being hacked , bluetooth

30 Aug 2009
So for a while now someone in the near vicinity has been hacking me via blue tooth making comments when i type etc. Constantly adding devices on bluetooth.
I disabled bluetooth bios and uninstalled it in device manager but i somehow keep getting hacked.
Need your help here guys.
If you disabled bluetooth in the bios then it will be disabled completely, the hacker must have access through your wifi/internet connection and your os is compromised, i'd wipe it and reinstall
It happens when im offline.Can you please clarify?
Also when i try to boot to windows manager via usb it goes straight to my login page.
Have you tried disabling it fully in device manager?
Ok even more odd i disabkled bluetooth wifi and no internet connection, playing rage 2 beat the boss all of a sudden the game quits out early and the sound goes off.
I had to repeat the last boss but now there was no sound to my game.
Can someone please find a solution to this mess?
I just checked there was a blutooth service running before my game quitted and the audio now doesnt work in settings.
How does someone connect when i disabled bios and in windows. Is there some kind of special device or something.
This should not happen.
I don't know if this is happening in your case, but the BIOS on/off switch for additional hardware often doesn't actually disable things properly, it can be more like a soft off and leaves the chip powered.
where is the off switch for the bluetooth on the motherboard please?
I have a sus maximus hero z790
i appreciate the help.
The motherboard has no antennas. i have disabled wireless to my rog claymore keyboard.
Just odd there was a bluetooth service running in .msc after all this.
i might try a reformat; Although when i try to boot it via usb and f8 it goes straight to my windows login??
What is more strange is, i tried to boot up a usb i left out for kali linux, no data on it.
So I went and got a 32gb usb and iso d the kali on it was working, then that one didnt work 10 minutes later, windows doesnt even detect it on my pc or lap.
Tried the third time with one and its playing funny.
I have no idea whats really going on, im bit paranoid about this atm.
Are there devices out there exist that can do these types of things or am i going bonkers?

Right now my third usb stick isnt even showing in file explorer nor on my pc or laptop.WTF
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I thought Bluetooth 5 has up to 60 meter range but I goggled it found it actually has up to 240 meter range, not 100 meter range.

I remembered back in 2015 my compute stick had Intel Remote Keyboard app on Android and server software on Windows 10, in 2018 Intel warned all customers to discontinued Intel Keyboard app for no reason.

I googled further to find reason Intel Remote Keyboard was discontinued, it was due to 3 critical security vulnerabilities that let local attackers inject keystrokes in sessions. But Intel Remote Keyboard app and server used Wifi Direct, not bluetooth.

So I googled "local attackers inject keystrokes in bluetooth sessions" and surprised to find article on 2 August 2022 Layakk CyberSecurity researcher discovered Wireless Keystroke Injection vulnerability in Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE).

I think the smart hacker used these tools to attacked OP PC by keystokes emulated OP's keyboard send strange message on OP screen.
Possibly as I see bluetooth Hid devices constantly appearing. Is there a solution to this ?
Whatever happens I would definitely continue to be obsessed by the Bluetooth hack and ignore all of the other excellent advice in this thread (like, nuke it and start again so you can be sure).
For some reason now when i try to boot my windows 11 usb via f8 it doesn't even appear , shows other boot devices and goes to windows login.
The amount of problems i have experienced has been quite something.
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Well for starters I haven updated the Bios since i got the board.
The anti virus doesn't detect anything strange.
The usb stick is reappeared when going to disk management and sorting it out there.
I just want a resolution , if i reformat windows I am certain this fiasco will happen all over again.
You guys are obviously more knowledgable than me but we can't pinpoint this issue exactly, been very apprehensive about touching my setup again.
I've heard of No Effort November, but this thread takes the biscuit. It sounds as though you just want a quick fix, but in reality it's not going to be that simple.

Create a USB stick with the latest BIOS (0703 at time of posting) on it. Create your Windows installation USB stick with another computer. Completely erase the OS drive. Reset and update your BIOS. Reinstall Windows.

The above is the cleanest way I can think of resetting absolutely everything. Using your USB stick in another computer removes the possibility of your current machine infecting the stick again. Erasing your OS drive before updating the BIOS should remove the somewhat unlikely possibility of anything malicious installed on your drive interfering with the BIOS flashing process. Then reinstalling Windows ensures you have a operating system you can have a high confidence in being clean.

If you reinstall Windows, why on earth would the above happen again? Disable Wi-Fi and bluetooth and anything else wireless if you want to remove the possibility of anybody outside your house sniffing wireless devices. I do think this is unlikely, however.

I have heard of wireless keyboards and mice doing their own thing. The cause usually turns out to be old hardware picking up interference from something else, such as somebody else's wireless device. I have also seen wireless mice behave quite randomly when the battery level is low.
Thanks I will try this and get back to you. But it looks like a constant attack from some subhuman.
Right so i updated the bios and reformatted all offline, then suddenly when in windows it says usb device not recognised the screen starts tearing up and now when i try to login someone is constantly pressing keys like llllllllll or tttttttttt etc.
Is there anyway i can sort this out or the pos that's harassing me?
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