Contemplating new guitar purchase!

i had both of these before switching to my gibson tom delonge signature es 335.....would reccomend both, especially the 56 gold top, p90 pickups are pretty powerful for stock, good price too, pretty nice too, had a couple of fenders in the past/ fender tom delonge sig......and a fender highway 1 strat.....fenders have awesome necks too real nice and slim were as gibson/epiphone have a slightly chunkier neck.....if you have a gander over the fender strats and tele's you can pick up some pretty cool bargains :p
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Right, just now i'm following the auctions of an RG320FM TL which has had evo pups fitted and an S470Bk, which do you guys think is the better guitar? They're both 2nd hand, I think the S470 is quite a bit newer, but both seem in good condition, how much do you think they're worth? Other than that i'm looking at the SAS36FM brand new for £285+p&p.

Anyone tried any of these guitars that can comment on their necks and general playability or even better offer up a comparison? Cheers!

In reply to the question of music tastes, mostly Heavy Rock, some metal, stuff i've currently been trying to play are along the lines of QOTSA, Muse, Foo Fighters, Guns 'n Roses etc. However, i'll probably be trying a whole variety of stuff while learning, from blues to jazz to classical to rock, so I think I really want a versatile guitar, my current guitar is a dual humbucker buttkicker, so i'm thinking a fat strat configuration for this one, however i'm just looking to get the best guitar for the money tbh, not that picky! :)
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my mates bands guitarist uses a 320fm - its not a terrible looker and it has a nice neck and feel, but the bridge is (note capitals) TERRIBLE, it always falls out of its poles and loses tuning, dont know if he got a particularly bad one but all he does is complain about it, and he doesnt even have the bar fitted lol.

can comment on the s470, never even seen one in the flesh lol.
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