Ok, so Windows 11 has finally annoyed me to the point that I'm giving dual boot with Linux a go on my laptop. I've gone for Mint Cinnamon, and opted for Evolution for email, Chrome, and I've got WhatsApp and discord on there so far. I'm loving how clean everything is to be honest.
Not so thrilled on the lack of MS Office and Onedrive so far, but could see this being a daily driver if I can sort out Onedrive.
Does anyone have any advice to somebody coming voer from Windows for the first time? I'm familiar with Linux in a terminal sense as I play with RPi's a fair bit. Not really dabbled in desktop before though.
Not so thrilled on the lack of MS Office and Onedrive so far, but could see this being a daily driver if I can sort out Onedrive.
Does anyone have any advice to somebody coming voer from Windows for the first time? I'm familiar with Linux in a terminal sense as I play with RPi's a fair bit. Not really dabbled in desktop before though.