Cookie Clicker game

Indeed. How do I get it?

click the cookie 15 times, buy a cursor, and proceed to get a million cookies without clicking the giant cookie again.

There's a shadow achievement called 'true neverclick' too, this involves the above, but without those initial 15 clicks, gotta click golden cookies instead to get those 1st 15 cookies :D
  • Batches cooked: 25,781,479,871,059
  • Batches hand-cooked: 6,767,253,214
  • Batches sold: 24,691,118,890,414
  • Batches hand-sold: 783,000,973
  • Total upgrades purchased: 48
  • Total cash earned: 2,440,108,741,173,936.5
  • Seconds spent playing: 536,957

  • Batches cooked: 718,680,752,787
  • Batches hand-cooked: 2,972,538,819
  • Batches sold: 692,043,383,854
  • Batches hand-sold: 53,265,350,673
  • Total upgrades purchased: 50
  • Total cash earned: 70,292,978,389,008
  • Seconds spent playing: 254,988

I ****ing love clicking the mouse, probably going to end up with RSI.
dammit lost my save :( pc restarted fired it back up, nothing everything reset to 0 :(

bye bye umpteen trillion cookies
bah started from scratch again

no cookies clicked started with 2 golden cookies to buy my first clicker, now to hit 1 million before the auto clicker comes out
With this Halloween update you get Wrinklers when you start the Grandma apocalypse.

Well, they feed on your cookie, reducing your CPS, get far more back when you pop them, so are a huge boost.

eg: I have 354 Bn base CPS - currently withered by 50% so 177 Bn CPS, I left it running for 5 hours when I went out to work this morning, just popped the 10 Wrinklers and made about 30-40 Qa ! :eek: (wasn't paying attention to know exactly how much as I wasn't expecting that)

But in that normal time frame I would have made ~ 6 Qa

Edit : Hmm, the wiki says you get 1.1 x back, I'm sure I made far more than that. Will let it run for a few hours and try again and make note this time.
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Full log:

1.0393 29/10/2013

Wrinklers no longer really really useless

1.0392 29/10/2013




Added the link to Candy Box 2 webpage in the update history

1.039 28/10/2013

The Grandmapocalypse now spawns wrinklers, hideous elderly creatures that damage your CpS when they reach your big cookie. Thankfully, you can click on them to make them explode (you might even gain back the cookies they've swallowed - with interest!).
wrath cookie now 27% spookier
some other stuff
you should totally go check out Candy Box 2, the sequel to the game that inspired Cookie Clicker
I'm one away from the 100 antimatter condensers. Then I'm done. For reals.

Yeah right, that's what I said, then I reset it.

It's taken me about four days of very lackadaisical playing to get back to the same place with an 800% multiplier.

Also, with the new update, wrinklers and the new cookie types and achievements, it's worth playing a bit more.
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We had a power cut at the weekend, it killed my internet cookie, so the game reset completely, I was on a non-reset game, with virtually everything bought, 200 cursors, 200 grannies, and the cookies and macaroon, kitten overseers etc, apocalypse stopped.

I only needed a couple more condensers to make the 100, and the final upgrade for them, then rest would have brought masses of heavenly cookies.
I am strangely gutted.
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