gz dude, neverclick your last non-shadow achievement to get?
gz dude, neverclick your last non-shadow achievement to get?
Indeed. How do I get it?
- Batches cooked: 25,781,479,871,059
- Batches hand-cooked: 6,767,253,214
- Batches sold: 24,691,118,890,414
- Batches hand-sold: 783,000,973
- Total upgrades purchased: 48
- Total cash earned: 2,440,108,741,173,936.5
- Seconds spent playing: 536,957
Dude I have nearly 2Qa handmade cookies.
Dude I have nearly 2Qa handmade cookies.
Full log:
1.0393 29/10/2013
Wrinklers no longer really really useless
1.0392 29/10/2013
Added the link to Candy Box 2 webpage in the update history
1.039 28/10/2013
The Grandmapocalypse now spawns wrinklers, hideous elderly creatures that damage your CpS when they reach your big cookie. Thankfully, you can click on them to make them explode (you might even gain back the cookies they've swallowed - with interest!).
wrath cookie now 27% spookier
some other stuff
you should totally go check out Candy Box 2, the sequel to the game that inspired Cookie Clicker
I'm one away from the 100 antimatter condensers. Then I'm done. For reals.