Cooking / veg oil vs Fry Light

10 May 2004
Sunny Stafford
I'm using Fry Light as one of my ways of losing weight. The stuff works great with mushrooms and most veg but it's pants with eggs. I have to use olive oil if I want eggs to remain intact. When using Fry Light, I find myself having to scrap them off the pan and the pan is meant to be non-stick. Is there a way around this or are eggs a no-no with Fry Light?
Whilst I a not saying you should actually do it, you should be able to fry an egg in a non-stick pan without oil. Perhaps your pan's non-stick surface isn't as good as it could be. Is it showing signs of wear?

I have used Fry Light with omlettes and fried eggs and although it works, they ae nowhere near as nice.
We exclusively use Fry Light (the wife's basically "Slimming Wirld 4 Lyf" at the moment). Don't really have much of a problem using it for fried eggs. The eggs stay in one piece, aren't too hard to scrape.

They do smoke a lot though and can burn easily when using it.
Ahhh thanks guys :-) I must confess that I'm also on Slimmin' Wirld :-D Yes, the frying pan is one of those deep-ish pan types that has the glass lid, had it in 2006, so it is getting on a bit. I'll try all of the suggestions, so thanks again.
If you have a proper non stick pan, you can dry fry an egg. I can in my Anolon Professional pans, though I don't recommend it, they have a horrible texture like that.
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