Cooking with Jonny69: Game stew with stilton dumplings

Just like to say thanks, made this a couple of weeks ago and was fab, being a newb at cooking I did mess up with the dumplings using normal flour rather than self raising as I learnt later but hey...we all start somewhere ;)
Just making another lot now to freeze for later gobling, just wish we had a cooking area to keep all your little gems in.

Thanks again and keep it up :)
although i hate stewed/braised type food this looks really nice mate. i been teaching myself cooking the past few months but im just at the stage of using herbs/spices correctly and cooking everything fresh and from scratch at the moment (sick of frozen crap)..

have a question though, you put brandy in for a caramely type flavour, does the alcohol burn out and does it taste of alcohol at all??? (if that makes any sense lol) like the idea of the caramel flavour but i hate the taste of alcohol lol
looks nice, thoug when i make it i put a bit of redcurrant jelly in it with the red wine, oh and stilton dumplings on a raw meat chopping board :eek:
You're a hero for making these amazing threads mate :)

Can I put up a request for a sticky:

"Jonny69's recipe & how to thread"

That way you can have a catalogue for everyone :)

Also do you do requests? So if someone asked you to do another of your threads but with a specific meal in mind (I've noticed lots of omg the mrs is coming for dinner help I can't cook threads) would you be willing to do it if you fancied it or had enough advance time?

good job nonetheless :)
A couple of points that I would add - a little dark chocolate added to anything gamey is great. If you need to use stock cubes, Kallo organic are not bad and widely available. For beef stew I always use shin of beef from the butcher as this is the tastiest cut for slow cooking but requires quite a long time.

Great thread.
Just like to say thanks, made this a couple of weeks ago and was fab, being a newb at cooking I did mess up with the dumplings using normal flour rather than self raising as I learnt later but hey...we all start somewhere ;)
Should be fine with plain flour. If they were hard then they just needed more water, if they disintegrated then they were too wet or you cooked them too long I reckon.

have a question though, you put brandy in for a caramely type flavour, does the alcohol burn out and does it taste of alcohol at all??? (if that makes any sense lol) like the idea of the caramel flavour but i hate the taste of alcohol lol
Yes all the alcohol boils off, you definitely don't want it tasting of alcohol :D

A couple of points that I would add - a little dark chocolate added to anything gamey is great. If you need to use stock cubes, Kallo organic are not bad and widely available. For beef stew I always use shin of beef from the butcher as this is the tastiest cut for slow cooking but requires quite a long time.

Great thread.
Scary stuff, I haven't mastered adding chocolate to food yet. Tried adding it to chilli once and it was Bournville stew with hot beef it in. Need to experiment :D

Agreed on the stock cubes, Kallo organic are the best. I did oxtail the other week, tasted fantastic but I didn't cook it long enough. Cheap cuts definitely make the best beef stew.
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