Cooking with Jonny69: Goulash Soup

Man of Honour
Man of Honour
3 May 2004
Kapitalist Republik of Surrey
After losing a long hard snowball fight out in the cold, soaked through, there's nothing better than to come in to a hot bowl of soup. Out where it gets really cold; Prague, Austria etc, they sup rich Goulash served with sliced bread dumplings and fried potato dumplings. I've taken the goulash base and turned it into a soup that takes no more than about 20 minutes to cook and is thick and delicious.


Ingredients (makes 2 large portions):

1 medium onion, finely chopped
25g butter
3 tablespoons of ground paprika
2 tablespoons tomato puree
200ml stock +100ml of boiling water (or 300ml boiling water and 1/2 stock cube)
Leftover cooked meat, beef, pork, etc chopped up. Use beans if you're veggie.

For the dumplings:

4 tablespoons flour
2 tablespoons suet
Cold water to bind
Pinch of salt

Melt the butter in a pan and gently fry the onions until soft. Add the paprika and tomato puree, stir, then add the stock, water and chopped meat. I used home made duck stock and leftover pheasant from the weekend roast, but you can use beef stock cube with any leftover meat. Leave simmering while you make the dumplings. Mix together the dry flour, suet and pinch of salt in a bowl, add a little water to bind and make a dough. Form it into 6 small balls and drop in the soup. Cover and allow to simmer for 20 minutes. Season to taste and it is ready to serve with a big hunk of fresh buttered bread :)

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It's difficult to get suet in the U.S. We have to notify a butcher in advance to set it aside, then it comes in monster 10 lb. blocks.

The dish sounds fantastic. I'm used to buttered noodles instead of dumplings, but that works just as well. :)
Even though it might be a little rich for my tastes (yes I'm a pansy) and I'm not a soup fan, I'd sure try a bit. Looks inviting and wholesome.

Good job Jon
Do you work, seems like you do nothing but cook so you can show it off to the internets.
I'm freelance and I've been off for a few weeks. Probably won't see me for a few months when the work ramps up again ;)
Do you work, seems like you do nothing but cook so you can show it off to the internets.

Er... people have to eat, and it just so happens he documents his cooking in the evening? What's your point? Or are you one of those that just eats take away and stuff your face with rubbish food?

Looks great Jon - might give that a go one of these nights. :)
That looks very appetizing and easy to make, why don’t you put one up for a proper pork/beef Goulash, a warming dish for a winters evening. :)
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