Cooking with Jonny69: home made yoghurt

This might be a retarded question but does the home-made yoghurt taste the same as the yoghurt you started off with?

If so... you can just keep repeating for INFINITE YOGHURT?


Ah, I see, now I know what Gold Top is! Remember [Texas twang] I ain't from around these parts [/Texas twang].

The kind of yoghurt I'm used to is usually either ewe's milk or a mix of ewe's and goat's. And if it's a particularly twee brand it comes in a clay pot. :p I've seen goat's milk in supermarkets, but I don't know if I can use cow's milk yoghurt (like Total) as a basis for that - they might use a different bacteria culture for different kinds of milk for all I know, I'm not a chemist...

If so... you can just keep repeating for INFINITE YOGHURT?



Thanks for that, gave me a chuckle! :p
Ah, I see, now I know what Gold Top is! Remember [Texas twang] I ain't from around these parts [/Texas twang]
Yeah I figured that was probably the case. I'm pretty sure I saw sheep's milk in Waitrose and I'm going to give some a go with the yoghurt I've got going here. My mum is intolerant to cow's milk so she can have a nice surprise with this with a bit of luck.

This might be a retarded question but does the home-made yoghurt taste the same as the yoghurt you started off with?

If so... you can just keep repeating for INFINITE YOGHURT?[IMG]

Lol. Depends what milk you use and I'm guessing the culture affects the taste a bit as well. Blue top milk with Total tastes exactly the same as the original Total. Unhomogenised milk was more sour. I'm going to try some raw milk from local cows when (if?) I next pass the farm shop and I'll let you know how it goes with milk from the other farmyard animals :D
Lol. Depends what milk you use and I'm guessing the culture affects the taste a bit as well. Blue top milk with Total tastes exactly the same as the original Total. Unhomogenised milk was more sour.

Well this is good because I like total/sour greek yoghurt stuff :) will try it tonight.
Yeah I figured that was probably the case. I'm pretty sure I saw sheep's milk in Waitrose and I'm going to give some a go with the yoghurt I've got going here. My mum is intolerant to cow's milk so she can have a nice surprise with this with a bit of luck.
Try a 60/40 mix with goat's milk, I'm pretty sure that's what they use. And bear in mind that due to the fat concentrations being different than cow's milk they might have slightly different boiling points, so careful there. Let us know what it tastes like, I'm very curious to see if it'll work! Don't even know if cow's milk yoghurt cultures would work for goat or sheep's.
Reporting a partial success here. Yoghurt came out but is quite thin and a bit lumpy. It's like a yoghurt drink consistency will probably be OK for use in smoothies/ cereal.

I used a crappy non- branded 'thermos' I got from work for free. Is this likely to be why I didnt get thick yoghurt?

Just wondering, would this work with those expensive single serving probiotic yogurt like actimel?
Just wondering, would this work with those expensive single serving probiotic yogurt like actimel?

ZOMG Think of the possibilities! We can all become millionaires selling them at £1 a thimble-full... We'll all be laughing all the way to Tesco to stock up on reduced milk in preparation for the next day's batch!

Seriously I thought about this too...I don't see why not?
Reporting a partial success here. Yoghurt came out but is quite thin and a bit lumpy. It's like a yoghurt drink consistency will probably be OK for use in smoothies/ cereal.

I used a crappy non- branded 'thermos' I got from work for free. Is this likely to be why I didnt get thick yoghurt?

I got a thin lumpy one this morning too. There was a lot more liquid in it than usual so I strained it off. It's quite often lumpy though. I just give it a whisk to make it smooth. What milk and starter yoghurt did you use out of interest?

Just wondering, would this work with those expensive single serving probiotic yogurt like actimel?
Well I haven't tried it yet, but there's almost no reason why it wouldn't work. I was thinking exactly what you were thinking :D

I went for the Aladdin Executive flask as I want my yoghurt to be smooth and sophisticated. :D

I'll post the results tomorrow, don't think I've ever been this excited about yoghurt.
Sucess! Although I think I made a bit of an error by not draining the excess water, the top was really thick so I thought I should mix it all in (I did this using a hand blender) but it is now runnier than I would have liked. It tasted good (although warm yoghurt is just wrong!), it is in the fridge now so hopefully it will thicken up for tonight.

Cheers for the recipe Jonny :)
I got a thin lumpy one this morning too. There was a lot more liquid in it than usual so I strained it off. It's quite often lumpy though. I just give it a whisk to make it smooth. What milk and starter yoghurt did you use out of interest?

I used Waitrose Semi Skimmed milk (Nowt special), and Rachel's Organic Bio-Live plain yoghurt. (Only one I could find in Sainsbury's that was live and not flavoured.)

This morning's was a little thicker. I mixed in the starter at a slightly higher temperature than the previous day, which may have meant it had more time to work at a high temp.

made with gold-top milk. really creamy. added vanilla extract afterwards and toped it off with some forest fruit compote.
the milk was only brought up to 85C and then cooled down to 45C. Two table spoons of greek yogurt with active bacteria, table sppon of sugar and the warm milk in a blender, quick blend and off into the thermos flask. kept in the airing cupboard for around 12 hours and it was nice and firm and no excess water at the top. all went into a bowl to mix the vanilla extract in, and then into the jar and in the fridge for 8 hours. made the compote this evening from frozen forest fruits and sugar, let it cool and spooned it on top of the yogurt. so yummy....
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