Download Speed: 2635 kbps (329.4 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 372 kbps (46.5 KB/sec transfer rate)
Plusnet Premier Option 1 (migrating away) up to 8Mb.
I don't trust it though. I can download thinkpad updates for my laptop from the IBM website at 480KB/s - that's the best speed test in my view as it allows multiple connections (up to 8 IIRC) but usually 4-5 will max out my connection.
This is on a very long line with Attn of 53dB SNR ~6dB.
BT checker said 3Mbp/s.
Current max stable rate 5Mbp/s.
Current data rate = 5728kbps, 448kbps.
Current sync rate 6304kbps, 996kbps.