Cool but fast - Looking for new HDD

22 Jan 2006
Basically looking for a HDD for a system I'm building in August.

I tend to leave my machines on 24-7 most of the time, so I really need a drive that's nice and cool. At the same time, I do the usual stuff with my machine like gaming, so I'm still going to need a drive that's fast.

Looking at pure specs, the Maxtor drives look like the fastest (putting aside the Raptors - I'm going for 320-500GB capacity here), but I'm told they can run pretty roasty.
Then again, I was told Seagate drives run the coolest, but the Seagates I own don't seem significantly cooler than my WD drives...

Opinions? Thanks :)
Don't have any kind of intake fan installed for that usage at the moment, for noise reasons, but it sounds like it might be worth looking into. These will be installed into an Antec P180 case mind.
Guess my only worry there is blowin (potentially) hot air over the GPU.
See, in the Antec P180 there's a compartment at the bottom for HDD's (as well as the usual place), next to the PSU (which is also at the bottom) with a 120mm between them... the idea being that it draws air over the HDD's and onto the PSU. One touch of the HDD's proves it just doesn't work though.
Might put the HDD's in the normal place and put a 120mm there. I see OC doesn't sell Antec 120mm's, how are the AcoustiFan ones?
Here's something that's come to mind.

You may be aware that while the P180 does have a front intake, it has a door over the front of the case.... the front of the machine is basically plain and you open the door to get to your drives etc.
This means with the door closed, the front intake is covered from the outside. The machine is noticably quieter with the door closed.
Is it still worth bothering with? Will the 120mm fan front intake till be effective?
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