Cooler for a P4 3.4 Prescott

19 Oct 2002
South London
Hello all i've just got my hands on a P4 3.4 Prescott for my asus P4C800E deluxe motherboard but not sure of which cooler to go for. Was thinking of maybe a Zalman CNPS9500 or maybe Coolermaster Hyper48 Cooler as i'm look for one thats quiet and easy to fit don't mind a bit of noise as i'm running a P4 2.6 right now with stock fan which i don't mind the nosie from.
Have a P4 3.2e @ 4.2ghz now and water cooled but i use to run it @ 4ghz and with a XP-120 and Ulra qutie ambure fan and temps were high 20's to low 40's iderling. I lapped the unit and ran it with AS5.
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