Cooling a Mac Mini

Actually, I'm not so worried about the CPU because it'll throttle. The real problem is that the hot air blows out onto the VGA and USB connectors, which can result in an unexpected surprise when you go to unplug something. If I can put a fan somewhere to shift that hot air (without causing a finger hazard), then it'll be sorted. :)
Mikebert4 said:

best way to keep it cool is throw in in a pond/river/sewer, whilst it's turned on.

and there's loads of USB powered fans about... google it :)


i had to move home for a few weeks when i was in hospital, and back in my flat, i'm borrowing my mates powermac for checking emails and stuff, i HATE using it, i tried to give it a chance, but its just too weird, the mouse algorithm is erally strange

sewer would be best place i think

-as for cooling, i'd leave it as is, just send it back if it messes up, they'll have done a lot of testing to make sure they're ok with the heat (at least i'd like to think so!)
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