Coolmaster Sentinel Advance Problem

19 Jun 2009
Hi there guys just wanted to no if anyone has experienced the same problem

it doesnt seem long since i have had this mouse (Coolmaster Sentinel Advance)
and am getting a really annoying problem that i cant find a solution for

The mouse will be still on the desk yet the cursor will move without been touched it is getting to the point of ridiculous it will move over the entire 22" screen in a min or so at times and at times will be still.... its not like im running at high dpi ever its only set at 1800 and no weights added in it ... quite the annoyance expecially when trying to play sc2 and mouse moving all over the shot

hope someone can help if any more info needed just message back thanks a lot for ur time
Have you tried a different surface?

Are there any driver or fimware updates?

Seems like it will still be in warranty, if you've tried above, contact the retailer to get it replaced. It wouldn't be the first one of these I've heard about going wrong. Might want to consider a different mouse if you can get a refund.
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