Coop games for daughter and I ?

Thanks for all the suggestions, much appreciated.

We have so many Lego games already, I'm trying to avoid them as we play them all the time on console.

She is begging me to get minecraft on the PC. We already play it a lot on the Wii U though... i'll cave eventually lol. (in fact before I finished.. this message, I went and bought this LOL)

I'll take a look at some of the other games, the castle defence ones should be entertaining :)

Sincerely thank you :) Lots of good suggestions that I will take the time to review :)
Lovers! (lovers in a dangerous spacetime).

Needs teamplay and patience; best with 3 or more though.

Magicka is good for comedy value but not very forgiving.
Sonic Racing Transformed

That's a good shout, I completely forgot about that one. I don't remember hearing as good things about the latest sonic racing game though which is a shame.

Magicka is good for comedy value but not very forgiving.

Me - lightning bolt (kills baddie), lightning bolt (kills baddie),lightning bolt (kills baddie), lightning bolt (kills friend), lightning bold (kills self)...... realises I should have spammed it less often! :D
I realized I already have dungeon defenders (used to play it), so I just need to buy it for her, and we can play that :) Second game down - woot.
My son (8) loves Deep Rock Galactic (either just the 2 of us, or with my brothers online).

As already suggested, Minecraft is pretty much the "goto" game for this as well.

The Escapists 2 is good fun.

Maybe a bit too mature, but RPGs like Divinity, or hack & slash, e.g. Titan Quest, Grim Dawn?
some other suggestions, its difficult to say what may be of interest at that age ! , some are free though :
adventures of shuggy
alien breen series
Escape Monkey island - single player but good to talk though puzzles possibly
the cave
command and conquer : red alert 3 (co-op campaigne might need a mod for it
fortresscraft evolved
keep talking and nobody explodes
Machinarium - single player but good to talk though puzzles possibly
magic the gathering - some of them have co-op
metal slug 3
octodad dadliest catch
pool nation
puzzle bots - single player but good to talk though puzzles possibly
rayman origins / series
shoot many robots
skyward colla[se
sword art online hollow realization
toybox turbos
alien swarm
assult android cactus
destiny 2
The Expendabros - free
Human: Fall Flat
Moonbase Alpha - free
street of rogue
zero-k - free
We Were Here series bundle! - 1st one is free
Rocket League
Halo: The Master Chief Collection
Lost Castle
A Hat in Time
Rampage Knights
Guild Wars® Trilogy
@Emo_hug holy heck. That list is gonna keep me busy just reviewing them lol.

I found dungeon defenders a pain to get working between two machines.
Trine series
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons (technically a "single-player co-op", however you control each brother with a different analogue stick so you could both share the same controller)
another vote for overcooked here, been playing it with my 7 year old daughter over the weekend had a lot of fun working as a team.
@Emo_hug holy heck. That list is gonna keep me busy just reviewing them lol.

I found dungeon defenders a pain to get working between two machines.
That's a shame, my nieces and I enjoy it when they come over and we play it on my PC. Were you both playing the same mode? i.e. ranked or whatever the other one is? In all honesty I've only ever done ranked and that's coming from someone who doesn't do ranked stuff. It works for me and I've not seen any ranked stuff ever AFAIK. Not done the other one.
That's a shame, my nieces and I enjoy it when they come over and we play it on my PC. Were you both playing the same mode? i.e. ranked or whatever the other one is? In all honesty I've only ever done ranked and that's coming from someone who doesn't do ranked stuff. It works for me and I've not seen any ranked stuff ever AFAIK. Not done the other one.

I was a pretty high level from when I played years ago. I couldn't find the original levels. Found them a little while later. We did get to play.. but played a silly high level map by mistake lol.

I tried LAN mode, but didn't get it working. I will try again, as I hadn't enabled sharing in windows. I hope to get it working as it's a fun game.
some other suggestion going through wish list :
Mindustry - there is a pay what you want version even pay £0 i just purchased it because of hte hours i sunk in to it, i thought it worth it.
Out of Space - seems a fun little co-op
Shadow Puppeteer
i havent palyed all the games i listed but hope fully of some limited use.
If she's not scared easily, then Dying Light and Left 4 Dead coop are a safe bet. After that, my favourites are Deep Rock Galactic and all of the Borderlands games.

Have been playing all of these with my son since around the age of 5, after graduating on the lego games (he's now approaching 8).

Unfortunately, I've not found many coop games aimed specifically at kids that engage mine as much as the games we're not really meant to subject them to at young ages. Happy to report my son is perfectly balanced and doesn't bat an eyelid. He's currently playing Alien Isolation VR like a little boss.
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